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Greetings from Malaysia!!!

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Hello everyone. I am new to this hobby. Just got my first mini tank around August last year and 4 months later got myself another 2 two feet tanks. In one tank i got 1 albino pleco, 8 orandas and 2 ranchus but unfortunately 2 orandas and both ranchus died shortly. In the other tank i got a couple of black mollies, guppies, 1 rabbit snail and couple of tetras. The mollies and guppies gave birth to a dozen fries. Since i am so new to this hobby, i opted to go bare bottom on all my tanks. 😂 Hopefully i will be able to progress to having a tank with plants and substrates. 




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On 1/10/2023 at 7:46 PM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Welcome to the forum! Weird question, but do you ever go fish collecting in Malaysia? I used to live in Thailand, and some of my classmates were really into it!

So happy to be here on this forum. I did a little bit of fish collecting when i was a kid and it usually ends in disaster! 😅 Either the fish i caught ate my smaller fishes or it brought parasites and spread it to my other fishes. My bad as i didn't do any quarantining. 

On 1/10/2023 at 10:56 PM, Theplatymaster said:

Welcome! Whats the hobby like in your country?

Hi! Well i guess the hobby is booming in Malaysia. I can't speak much on behalf of Malaysian aquarist because I haven't seen much of other people's aquarium. I have only seen aquariums belonging to friends and much of us have bare bottom tanks. 😂 For the sake of convenience i think.

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On 1/10/2023 at 6:24 PM, ScandiDefense said:

Hi! Well i guess the hobby is booming in Malaysia. I can't speak much on behalf of Malaysian aquarist because I haven't seen much of other people's aquarium. I have only seen aquariums belonging to friends and much of us have bare bottom tanks. 😂 For the sake of convenience i think.

It's always interesting hearing different methods for keeping fish. It seems like everyone has their set way that you "have to" do things or else it's going to be bad. Then you turn around and someone else says something today different but their fish are doing fine.

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Welcome to the forum! Wonderful to have another someone from a different part of the world! There definitely is an art to bare bottom tank keeping. Of my 6 aquariums one of them is a bare bottom tank. I use containers for root plants (like ceramic bamboo pots, some people use teracotta) or nowadays I've gone all rhizone plants, Anubias, Java Fern. Decor gets changed, rocks, glass marbles, some hides. It is a very easy to clean tank!!



Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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