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Propagating Anacharis Elodea

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Can you propagate Anacharis by cutting the buds that shoot out to the sides and then re-planting the buds, or can you only replant the main part of the plant after cutting the stem in half?

The reason I ask is because the main stems on my Anacharis seemed to be dying/melting, but I noticed they were shooting out bright green buds of new growth to the side. I broke off the new buds and replanted them, and disposed of the old, melting growth, but the new buds haven't been growing even with root tabs/ferts. I've tried floating the buds and they aren't really growing either.

Did I make a mistake by getting rid of the main part of the plant and only planting the new, side buds? I've attached a pic to show the new, green buds. The old growth had progressed much further than what you can see in the pic, so you can see much melt, but it's the only pic that I have before I disposed of them.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


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On 12/31/2022 at 7:23 AM, Guppysnail said:

Yes. When this happens to mine I cut the original stem off leaving the roots and 1/4 inch of the original stem on either side of where the roots are with the new shoots and replant. 

Hopefully mine still grows since I just replanted the new buds and not the stem+roots from the old growth

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On 12/31/2022 at 10:01 AM, Mary W. said:

The part you cut off (the stem with the fresh growth at the tip) can be left to float in the tank.  It will grow roots and eventually side branches.  Mine actually seem to do best as floaters.  

I've been trying to float them lately, but they won't stay afloat. They just sink to the bottom. I want them to stay higher near the light 😩

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On 12/31/2022 at 11:01 AM, Mary W. said:

The part you cut off (the stem with the fresh growth at the tip) can be left to float in the tank.  It will grow roots and eventually side branches.  Mine actually seem to do best as floaters.  

This is how I ended up with this plant in my tank! Piece came in with some shrimp I bought, left it floating ( unintentionally) and it sprouted 2 new shoots and some tiny roots. Just plunked it in the gravel and it seems to be happy.

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On 12/31/2022 at 10:51 AM, Mary W. said:

The longer the piece, the better it will float.  If those were just little bits you cut off, yeah they will sink at first, but give them a chance.  A piece six or eight inches long will float for you - 

Ok sounds good! I'll give em some more time

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When I first got back into the hobby and discovered planted tanks, stems were the ones I always gravitated to.  That being said, there was a massive issue of having bare stems that had leaves at the top but nowhere else.  I honestly didn't know what to do, similar to your post about asking how to propagate them properly.

I found this.... and it's a great guide on showing how to handle your plants.


Also, Welcome to the forums!

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On 1/1/2023 at 7:46 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

When I first got back into the hobby and discovered planted tanks, stems were the ones I always gravitated to.  That being said, there was a massive issue of having bare stems that had leaves at the top but nowhere else.  I honestly didn't know what to do, similar to your post about asking how to propagate them properly.

I found this.... and it's a great guide on showing how to handle your plants.


Also, Welcome to the forums!

Gonna take a look now. Thanks so much!

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