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Cherry Shrimp just amaze me…


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I originally bought Cherry Shrimp for their looks, but I have found that they are essential for cleaning up! They go everywhere! I have even found a small colony in my HOB telling the bacteria to move over! 😂 

What are some things that you like about your Cherry Shrimp the most? How would you pitch them to a friend in the hobby who had the means to take care of them? 


Edited by Paul R
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I enjoy my cherry shrimp way more than expected! They are fascinating to watch, and quite funny too. You're right, they clean the heck out of the tank! Mine are starting to have babies, I am seeing a second generation of them in my tank this week. I'll take a folding chair and just sit in front of my tank to watch them (something I never did before adding them!). Plus, they really pop in my black gravel/dark theme. Added bonus if you're trying to pitch them, my LFS is begging me to bring in any extras I want to sell. So at the very least, if you start to get overwhelmed you can make a few dollars by selling them!

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I really enjoy my shrimp, but I haven't had good luck with them. My red shrimp population seems to stay stable at about 12-14 shrimps, they do breed but never enough to increase the population. I've had two colonies of mutts increase and then die off. I'd love to have a smallish tank with a huge colony but so far that's eluded me.

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On 12/22/2022 at 8:18 PM, Paul R said:

I have even found a small colony in my HOB telling the bacteria to move over! 😂 

We cleaned the 125 tank filters and found a colony of about 100 shrimp in one of the baskets, happy as clams! Don't know how they're getting in there we put pre-filter sponges on both intakes but they still find a way! That tank is so clean because of them and they give Squirt, our RES, a run for his money. We like to think of it as enrichment for the turtle. Occasionally I'll see him with a tell tale red tail sticking out his mouth.

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On 12/23/2022 at 2:55 PM, JJenna said:

Don't know how they're getting in there we put pre-filter sponges on both intakes but they still find a way!

I notice my pre sponge house a lot of shrimplets. They crawl all through it! I guess they eventually get sucked up over time and survive the propeller 🤷‍♂️ When I do maintenance I give the sponge a good shake before I pull it out and dozens of shrimp come out.

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I love to watch mine swim and hover around, they remind me of the space cars on The Jetsons. And the babies are so cute.

Some of my shrimp are so large they run adult swordtails off from a patch of food. It’s fun to see little creatures going about their day.

I would pitch them to a friend primarily as cute but also as part of a diverse and symbiotic (albeit somewhat faux/unnatural) ecosystem. 

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On 12/23/2022 at 3:43 PM, PineSong said:

I love to watch mine swim and hover around, they remind me of the space cars on The Jetsons. And the babies are so cute.

That is a great comparison, I agree with you! I love watching their lil legs go a mile a minute trying to get from one side of the tank to the other. They know the way the flow currents go in the tank, and ride them like little surfers lol. My husband is SO tired me begging him to come look at the baby shrimp 45 times a day 🤣

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