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Fish suggestions...again!


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I originally posted asking for fish suggestions for a Fluval Flex 32.5, and you all gave wonderful suggestions!

However, things have changed and I'll instead be getting the Fluval Siena, a 72 gallon system (35" x 22" x 22"). I know with this water volume dramatically changes my stocking options, and would love to hear the suggestions my fellow hobbyists have! 

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On 12/14/2022 at 8:37 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

What have you kept before, what fish are interesting to you? @zpayne10?

If it was me, First thing I would get would be a RTBS 🙂

I've done all your very basic tropical fish. Liverbearers, gouramis, corys. Which I'm all fine keeping again...just never had anything on this scale (previously was 30 gallons years ago) so I'm excited at the opportunity to really have a nice community.

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On 12/14/2022 at 6:41 PM, zpayne10 said:

I've done all your very basic tropical fish. Liverbearers, gouramis, corys. Which I'm all fine keeping again...just never had anything on this scale (previously was 30 gallons years ago) so I'm excited at the opportunity to really have a nice community.

I see. Which was your favorite?  My big tank was stuffed with tiger barbs and corydoras.  I would suggest getting 2+ massive schools of something you really enjoy and a good centerpiece fish.  This size of tank is also great for 3-4 SAEs and will actually be big enough for them.  (They get the same size as a RTBS).

If you go with tetras, I'd also add a few bolivian rams or maybe even an Apisto.  

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On 12/14/2022 at 9:29 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

I see. Which was your favorite?  My big tank was stuffed with tiger barbs and corydoras.  I would suggest getting 2+ massive schools of something you really enjoy and a good centerpiece fish.  This size of tank is also great for 3-4 SAEs and will actually be big enough for them.  (They get the same size as a RTBS).

If you go with tetras, I'd also add a few bolivian rams or maybe even an Apisto.  

I've always wanted to keep angels, but not sure how many I can realistically fit without overdoing the bioload. Maybe 3x angelfish, a handful of cherry barbs, and maybe a large school of tetras?

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On 12/14/2022 at 9:44 PM, zpayne10 said:

I've always wanted to keep angels, but not sure how many I can realistically fit without overdoing the bioload. Maybe 3x angelfish, a handful of cherry barbs, and maybe a large school of tetras?

I've only kept angelfish as singles, but it's my understanding (from many sources) that with multiples bioload isn't the issue, it's behavior.  If two of them pair up they will likely terrorize the other(s).  I'd suggest just one.

If you want a group as a centerpiece instead of a single fish I can't recommend pearl gouramis highly enough.  I have eleven of them in a 40 gallon breeder and am very happy with them.  Rainbowfish would be another option.  I have ten turquoise rainbows in my 65 gallon tank and like them very much also.

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On 12/15/2022 at 9:02 AM, JettsPapa said:

I've only kept angelfish as singles, but it's my understanding (from many sources) that with multiples bioload isn't the issue, it's behavior.  If two of them pair up they will likely terrorize the other(s).  I'd suggest just one.

If you want a group as a centerpiece instead of a single fish I can't recommend pearl gouramis highly enough.  I have eleven of them in a 40 gallon breeder and am very happy with them.  Rainbowfish would be another option.  I have ten turquoise rainbows in my 65 gallon tank and like them very much also.

That's helpful re: the angelfish...thanks! If I went with the pearls, what's the minimum school size to prevent any aggression? I'd like to pair whatever show fish with either a massive school of something, or two larger schools for some variety.

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On 12/15/2022 at 9:10 AM, zpayne10 said:

That's helpful re: the angelfish...thanks! If I went with the pearls, what's the minimum school size to prevent any aggression? I'd like to pair whatever show fish with either a massive school of something, or two larger schools for some variety.

I can't make any promises, but I'd suggest at least five, and try to not get more than two of those males.  I know it can be difficult to sex them when they're young.

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2BB9CCED-2804-4F5D-BF54-BB4E183B893B.jpeg.43645e4978aacfd58f8e51c576cd3355.jpegHere is my 55g grow out with most double blacks and a few pearlscale. There a little larger that a silver dollar. I also have a 75 with 7  pearlscale and double blacks. If you have 4 or more you should be ok as long as if you have 4 they are 2 males and 2 females. It doesn’t make a huge difference but the less you have the less males are better. If you are not planning on breeding which is very hard in a community or multiple number species tank all females could be ideal. You will probably see some aggression but it tends to be just a little chasing. Also if you can have the around the same size it’s best but if you do have to add some smaller ones in take the biggest one or two out for a week or 2 if possible. If not places for the smaller ones to hide or a temporary tank divider like with egg crate will work. A few weeks and then remove it. I don’t think you will have any problems with the Angelfish. In the 75 they are in with some mini discus, corys, Gourami(2) clown loaches, and some bristlenose

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