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Is this black beard algae?

Matt B

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Does anyone know what kind?.. This algae only grows on my Amazon Sword. ( So far )  I'm guessing black beard algea?  The Guppy/Endler fry like it, So I like it. The Hillstream loach ignores it as he muches along the leaves...I've found it's easy to keep up with..just grab it with tweezers when it gets a little to much for my liking. 

Pros or Cons to having this in an aquarium?



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That's staghorn I believe.  it's less bushy and more.... longer strands looking.  You would treat them very similarly and they are caused for similar reasons.


On 12/9/2022 at 12:29 PM, Matt Butzin said:

Pros or Cons to having this in an aquarium?

see my journal 😂

It is a very, very stubborn algae and can be very difficult to remove. 

1.  Cut back light intensity, check duration.
2.  Healthy cleaning of the tank, make sure all equipment is working.
3.  Manual removal, keep ahead of it, try to outcompete it with lean dosing and keeping nitrates and light in check.

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Water quality should always be a number 1 priority when dealing with ANY algea. Flow, water turn over, removing dead organics, keeping a clean filter, aeration (particularly in dead spots) and water changes, water changes are your friend. Number 2 is plant mass and growing healthy plants (which is your best defense against algea). Number 3 should be lighting, which needs to be adjusted either up or down to accomplish goals set in step 2. GROW HEALTHY PLANTS!!! if dealing with problematic algea was just a matter of lowering your light no one would have algea!

Edited by JoeQ
Wrong auto select word
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