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yogurt in tank question


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So my daughter had a yogurt cup and got like maybe half a spoonful into my 20g tank.  I'm guessing it's fine for the fish?  Perhaps slightly bad for the bio filter b/c of the sugars?  I noticed a few white chunks on the gravel so I vac'd that up.  Not really sure how much actually went it, but I doubt it's more than spoonful.  Any thoughts?  🙂

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Cool.  I wasn't too concerned, but just wanted to run it by the community 🙂 Yea, I have a lid on it.  I left it half open today b/c I added some caulk to a portion of the lid where water can creep into a crevice.  So I wanted to dry it out.  Fun times.

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On 11/14/2022 at 2:34 PM, Flumpweesel said:

I wouldn't worry at all, but maybe think about a lid for the tank incase she figures it out as great way hide food she doesn't like.

Or maybe she just likes to share.

So funny story - When I was a tiny human, my grandfather used to breed swordtails and one day I thought they looked hungry. So I put a porkchop in the biggest breeding tank. He did not find it for a LONG time since it was the breeding tank, and it had been eaten down to the bone in just a few days. He had a week of constant cleaning and water changing to make sure he didn't lose anything, and I received a well deserved grounding.

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On 11/14/2022 at 11:15 AM, venzi said:

I noticed a few white chunks on the gravel so I vac'd that up.  Not really sure how much actually went it, but I doubt it's more than spoonful.  Any thoughts?

Clean the tank, clean the filter, siphon it, and a decent size WC is that I would do. Then monitor for fuzz.

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My kid dropped a chunk of banana in the tank this past summer, and since the mollies seemed to like it I left it in for a few hours. Seemed fine for them but one of my cories died that night. After a medium water change the rest of the inhabitants were okay, didn't seem to cause any lasting issues. Lesson learned-- we now wait until he's done eating to feed the fish.

I'd keep an eye out for any odd bacterial growths. (I think that'd be the fuzz.) I could see the bacteria in yogurt really liking the warm, wet conditions of an aquarium, plus any added sugar that might have been left behind.

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I agree with what others have said. With it being such a small amount, I doubt there will be any serious consequences. If you are reallly concerned you could do a partial water change to help dilute what is left in the aquarium.  If you think about all the polution and other things that go into natural waterways, a small amount of yogurt in a 20 shouldn't be the end of the world.

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On 11/15/2022 at 1:53 PM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

I know Barbie one of the speakers we’ve had was feeding regular yogurt to her plecos. 

I'm guessing the yogurt was made into a gel?  otherwise, it'd just disperse into the water column...

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