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Frank the not so happy betta


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1 betta 7 Red neon blue eyed rainbows, and blue dream shrimps in a 15g Fluval Flex, planted (med density of crypts, swords, bulbitis, java fern, anubius nana, hygro, and hydro taiwaneese (sp?), and Seachem Flourite substrate, established for 7 months. Nothing is new in the tank for about 5-6 months except a floating betta log and magnetic glass cleaner about 3 months ago. Frank started to show some fin rot about 2 months ago. It was not to bad at that time but I cleaned my tanks sponge and did a water change to see if that would make a difference. His fins continued to slowly rot, so I decided to dial back his flow as I know the flex can be to strong for a betta (even tho I have the outtake nozzles pointed towards the glass to dissipate the flow) ordered a spray bar with a flow regulator off Etsy. At this point he is eating and still out and about in the tank. He looks kinda bloated (constipated not pineconing) so I cut back food and feed cyclops (frozen) and his temp is at 78. All this time I am checking his water parameters nitrates are never above 25, ammonia 0, nitrites 0, ph 7.2, we have pretty hard water from a local aquifer with no chlorine (although I still use water conditioner) his fins are still erroding and hes now hiding in the back corner, so I does the trio as per directions on the box. His fins are growing back quite quickly but now not eating and still hiding, so I let him rest for a few days and dose the ichX and Erythromycin a second time as I ran out of General cure after the first round (in Canada so cant get more). I up his temp to 80, hes still bloated even tho he does not seem to be eating. He finally ate some frozen brine shrimp yesterday and today but still hiding, fins are still growing back strong. Ive been watching to see if the rainbows have been picking at him but have not seen that. Im not sure what to do next. I would dose salt but theres plants and shrimp, and I dont have another tank to put him in. Any suggestions? Any help much appreciated. From Candice and Frank the betta 




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I'm sorry you are having trouble @CandyEllerKern, Bettas, despite industry saying otherwise, are not easy fish at all- yours in particular will be more suseptible to issues due to the very long fins, IME.

I'm no expert, but you don't have to have a tank to QT him. Get yourself a plastic tote (I prefer the kind you can see through 3-5 gallons) and you can squeeze out your sponges into that, get a pump and airstone and you've got a QT. Being in Canada you're short on available meds so I'm not familiar with what you can get. Personally I prefer Kanaplex for an antibiotic but Salt and IAL (Indian Almond Leaf, I make a tea with it) with many water changes may help. If your tub is big enough you can get a small flat heater to make sure the temp is maintained. If he's bloated though- this is where I think it's possible we have organ failure (and potentially Dropsy, so look for pineconing- which is just a symptom of a very large problem). Try Daphnia for roughage if he'll eat anything, bloodworms if all else fails (as most Betta can't resist the worm). 

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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I would still dose salt at the low end dose of 1 tablespoon per 10 gallons, so 1.5 tablespoons in your 15 gallon tank should be good.  Most plants will tolerate this amount of salt.  I would also do an Epsom salt soak at 1 tablespoon per 1 gallon of dechlorinated water.  You can mix a gallon then use a small part for each soak.  Start with 10-15 minutes watching closely for any sign of distress and immediately remove back to the tank if any is seen.  You can use a specimen container or any clear cup or bowl that still lets you watch the fish.  This is NOT a situation where you plop the fish in the soak then walk away or start reading a book.  WATCH the FISH!  Most will tolerate this just fine but not all will.  @xXInkedPhoenixXis right about Daphnia for roughage to clean out the gut.  It might also be worth trying @dasaltemelosguyexperiment with the sonic therapy.  It is experimental!  Use with caution until we have more data, but it seems to be pretty low risk and potentially high reward.

if none of the treatment works, you may be dealing with organ failure rather than bloat.  If it is liver failure that isn’t too advanced, there is low chance of recovery but not no chance of recovery.  Getting him to eat would be vital.  If it’s kidney failure there is very minimal chance of recovery, sorry to say.

Add the aquarium salt and try the Epsom soak while you round up Daphnia and consider the sonic therapy unless you get immediate results with the first Epsom salt soak.


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