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CPD with Bristlenose plecos?


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I have a 110g stock tank with about 6 CPD's in it and I have 4 juvenile super red Bristlenose plecos arriving shortly. Any issue with combining the two other than the plecos eating any eggs the danios drop? I'd like to breed the plecos once they are old enough and can be paired off appropriately but I don't want to stress out the more skittish CPD's either. I was considering using a pond basket or a divider to keep them separate since the tank is so big but I'm thinking this is probably necessary. Thoughts?

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Naw they are compatible - just keep the temp near the top of the cdp range. The bn will spawn in a cave and once the frys leave the cave they are on their own - nothing to stress about as long as your tank is 16 inches or so tall (or taller); if it were a shallow aquarium chances are pretty good the cdp would stay out of the pleco cave.

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