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What is this coming out of my Bolivian ram ?help!!


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I’m not sure if it’s poop …doesn’t look like it .please tell me it’s not persistes 

I’ve had them for like 3 days 

they were shipped to me on Friday 



On 10/23/2022 at 10:08 PM, Fish Folk said:

Congratulations! As a breeder shipping out German Blue Rams tomorrow, I'm happy to hear that your fish arrived alive and that you're thrilled. Honestly, shipping fish, that is all I could ever want to hear.

To bring out the best in them, I suspect that you need to figure out an excellent diet. Although a lot of people feed them, I dislike feeding Rams blood worms. In my view, they often breakdown on a heavy diet of them. I like Daphnia, live Baby Brine Shrimp, Mysis, finely chopped up Krill, Bug Bites . . . even Hikarki Herring eggs! 

I just saw this coming out of my ram 

it doesn’t look familiar 

please tell me it’s not parasites 



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Unfortunately it does look like either a) parasites or b) fish hasn't eaten lately and is producing nutrient-deficient waste.  Since the fish is newly purchased, I would treat for parasites.  Your plants may not like medication though, so here's some helpful tips:







Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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White or clear poop can be poop with no food in it just the mucus lining if your seeing any of these symptoms rapid breathing hanging near the surface listlessness weight loss spitting food out flashing than I would treat for parasites I don't think you have anything to worry about I would just monitor for any of the symptoms I described 

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On 10/24/2022 at 12:59 PM, Fish Folk said:

Looks like you might have internal parasites. Very common. Can be a bother to be rid of. You can try adding this stuff as directed...


You might also try this med...



I've also found _moderate_ success adding this to fish food...



This is way i was lso scared 😟 ….I’ll have to order it cause the only close fish store is Petco and PetSmart.

So would u recommend one of the 2 .if so which one would u say is more effective ?…

Also would u recommend pulling them out

or do u recommend treating the whole tank just to play it safe with the other fishes . 

On 10/24/2022 at 1:00 PM, Colu said:

White or clear poop can be poop with no food in it just the mucus lining if your seeing any of these symptoms rapid breathing hanging near the surface listlessness weight loss spitting food out flashing than I would treat for parasites I don't think you have anything to worry about I would just monitor for any of the symptoms I described 

This little guy has been glass surfing from time to time that’s the only random thing I’ve notice from him 

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