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What would YOU do with a 40 B?


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On 10/18/2022 at 2:23 PM, Patrick_G said:

I’d lean towards a plant farm type of tank. I tend to ignore the fish in the tank under my 75 so a more static, but still decorative tank would be my choice. I’m thinking a thick jungle for plant grow out, and just a few fish like Otocinclus, Siamese algae eaters, and maybe a feature fish like an Electric blue acara. 

This is a very intriguing idea. The less is more tank. Thank you. 

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On 10/21/2022 at 1:27 PM, B7gwap said:

Are those Bleeding Hearts? Beautiful garden. 

Thank you. Those are Orange Bolivian Lemon Tetras. I let the plants grow a bit of algae and leave the tank a bit messy for the sake of these Otocinclus Cocama.20221021_134906.jpg.2c87b4b5c08f0b052bc05fa17dd5657d.jpg

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First - livebearers really like hard water so i'm not sure your water is too hard for them. As for the subject out of context this is what I would do with a 40B:
start with something like this:



Wait a bit:



wait a bit more:



but of course this might not appeal to you and you might prefer something totally different. I don't think there is a wrong answer. I've seen nice mbuna tanks with no plants and a bunch of rocks but well for me (and you did ask what i would do); i just love watching the plants grow....


Of course the last picture is about a year old nad the plants have well grown denser... if you can believe it.

Edited by anewbie
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seeing as you feel burnt out i would try something new and different like a saltwater fish only tank. a 40b will be perfect for a pair of clownfish and a firefish or something similar and the only difference to running a fw tank will be mixing the salt and maintaining salinity. you already have lighting for plants so you could grow some macro algae to help with nutrient export like a planted tank and your existing filter will work fine as well. the only extra equipment you would need is a refractometer and a r.o. 

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If (when) I were to get a fresh start on my 40 I would go either South American (blue acara with black skirt tetras and either brochis or banjo cats) or North American (rainbow shiners, darters, maybe some sunfish if I could get them). I haven't researched either of these options too hard yet, since my 40 mishmash is pretty okay right now.

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On 10/21/2022 at 7:20 PM, Expectorating_Aubergine said:


Do shell dwellers. If you get tired of them, they are easy to rehome or sell.

On 10/21/2022 at 7:20 PM, Expectorating_Aubergine said:







Welp, I went for it. Found local guy who sells caudopunks and set up a simple tank with Val, shells, and some rock caves made from rocks I fished out of my local creek. So far so good, these are interesting fish to watch. Thank you everyone for your thoughtful suggestions. 

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