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Ram not eating well


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Big buddy is looking quite a bit better, I think. Still a big belly, but a lot more fish shaped. His ventral fins are relaxed, and his behavior is back to his normal as$#@le self as well. It makes me mad that he's such a jerkface. He's such a beautiful fish. 


Little buddy didn't eat much of the peas. Big buddy and the tetras LOVED them!


The main reason I'm considering separating is to get little buddy to eat. I'll try moving hardscape and epiphytes first while the tank upstairs is still cycling. I also mixed up some Dr. Tims frozen food to see if thats more little buddy's speed.


Edit: apologies for the unplanted stuff. It's destined for the 10 gallon tank and just hanging out here for now.

Edited by flyingcow
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On 9/19/2022 at 11:08 AM, flyingcow said:

the tank dipped to 70 degrees

I have had this happen with my guppies twice. Things I seen occur after we’re clamp fins and lack of appetite.  Fish metabolism and digestion is directly impacted by temp since digestion slows when to cool. I only seen one guppy get sick I’m assuming a lowered immune system from the stress allowed something opportunistic. It took the others a week to sort themselves.  So your cranky upset tummy need to poo theory may be at play. I wish you luck sorting out your little ones. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea and Snoopy have convinced me to venture into Bolivian Rams. My fish guy is looking for them now for me. 

Edited by Guppysnail
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On 9/20/2022 at 5:32 PM, flyingcow said:

Big buddy is looking quite a bit better, I think. Still a big belly, but a lot more fish shaped. His ventral fins are relaxed, and his behavior is back to his normal as$#@le self as well. It makes me mad that he's such a jerkface. He's such a beautiful fish.

The main reason I'm considering separating is to get little buddy to eat. I'll try moving hardscape and epiphytes first while the tank upstairs is still cycling. I also mixed up some Dr. Tims frozen food to see if thats more little buddy's speed.


This seems so similar to our two.  Big buddy and little buddy.  I added more hardscape, plants, etc and it didn't help much.  These guys are smart fish.  Big buddy knows little buddy is in the tank somewhere and doesn't want him to eat.  Jerkface is a good description. LOL.

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On 9/20/2022 at 11:09 AM, redfish said:

I also thought about adding more dither fish since we only have a few right now.

I think this is a good idea @redfish.  Maybe put a little school in there to add some other activity to create some distraction from little guy ram.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 9/21/2022 at 11:29 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I think this is a good idea @redfish.  Maybe put a little school in there to add some other activity to create some distraction from little guy ram.

I added the Black Phantoms to try to chill big guy out a bit in my tank. It definitely worked to an extent, but didn't solve the problem completely.

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Ok. A quick update. The re-arranging helped a ton! Jerkface is barely harassing Little Buddy. Little Buddy is still not joining in the feeding frenzy, but it looks like he's growing just a little bit, so I think he's getting some food. This afternoon, I put in a cube of Repashy community , and he has been staring at it ever since. We might be on to something there. No one else seems interested, thankfully. Here's hoping!20220929_174316.jpg.9a9b0c5f93cbdafec06b7c91085e0a6b.jpg

...you guys! Little Buddy just chased Jerkface away from the repashy cube! GO LITTLE BUDDY!

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On 10/4/2022 at 8:49 AM, redfish said:

I'm still watching our two closely.  Big one is certainly happy to rule the whole tank.  Little one still hides a lot but them cruises with the big one.  I'm going to have to do something for the little one soon.

Yeah, Little Buddy just would not eat. He'd grab at food, them swim away. He claimed some territory in the past few days and was pushing back. That might have been enough stress to do him in without food.

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 Oh my so sorry @flyingcow. Poor Little Buddy. In having observed my Bolivian since I got him I'd thought earlier in his adoption that I'd get a girl for him but I don't really want to breed. Now months later in watching his personality I think it's best he's the solo bottom dweller (even gave up on the idea of some cory because it's a 20 tall and there's not a whole lot of turf). Though classified as "peaceful" I have seen they definitely need their space. I saw on another board I'm on someone even put one of their German Blue Rams on "time out" for being a jerk to other fish. Anyhow, sorry for your loss, but just wanted to validate that I think your decision to let Big Buddy be the lone wolf is the right choice.

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On 10/4/2022 at 9:54 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Now months later in watching his personality I think it's best he's the solo bottom dweller

Same. Several times I thought Snoopy needed a friend because I see him glass surfing, but after reading about everybody’s territorial experiences, I think Snoopy is ok just chilling with Woodstock the little gold mystery snail. And tetra dithers.

@Guppysnail you may benefit from reviewing this thread.

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On 10/4/2022 at 12:23 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Same. Several times I thought Snoopy needed a friend because I see him glass surfing, but after reading about everybody’s territorial experiences, I think Snoopy is ok just chilling with Woodstock the little gold mystery snail. And tetra dithers.

@Guppysnail you may benefit from reviewing this thread.

I have been following.  It seems no one close has them. 

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