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Heavy Breathing in Single Ember Tetra - vid attached


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Hi all - not sure exactly how long this has been going on but have been monitor the past few days. I have a single Ember Tetra that is breathing heavily, hanging out at the bottom of the tank, and doesn't appear to be interested in food. There are a total of 6 embers and 1 juvie platy in a 10 gallon tank - all other fish seem fine and attack food. 

The fish in question is in the middle:

Tank params seem normal, no nitrites or ammonia. Nitrates always around 20. PH around 7.5. Any ideas? 

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Do you ever notice the other fish nipping at this fish, especially at feeding time? Lately I noticed my pristella tetras doing this to one little guy. He ended up getting sick because he couldn’t get to the food or handle the stress. He’s off on his own now in a quarantine tank. He was quarantined and recovered before, but when I added him back, everyone picked on him again. Then he became sick again, so back to quarantine he went. He’s doing fine but people told me I need to increase the school size. Shopkeepers like to say 6 in a school but hobbyists are saying it really should be more than the 6. It’s like they have a pecking order.

Or, it could just be illness in general. How long have you had the fish, and what is the temperature of the tank?

If your fish does gets picked on at mealtime, he may have quit trying to compete.

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Thanks @Chick-In-Of-TheSea - no nipping or anything, very peaceful tank. I introduced the tetras about 2 weeks ago as the first fish in the tank. All were fine at first. Now he just stays by the filter. I thought it might be an oxygen issue, but he’s never up by the surface, even when lights are off he’s still doing it, though he moves out past the filter. Can’t find any disease that matches this, so wondering if he’s old or has a nerve issue. Was gonna remove him today for a closer look. 

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That could be a female heavy with eggs.  Females tend to be slightly paler and that one looks very “eggy”.  You might search for some info on triggering spawning in embers and see if you can trigger spawning conditions and if that reduces her thickness and rapid breathing.  Otherwise, consider treating for parasites.  Flukes should be treated with PraziPro, FYI.  Treat 3 times, every other week.

Edited by Odd Duck
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