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Can this anubia be salvaged?

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I am currently plagued by algae in some of my aquarium.

Part of it is my fault (lack of discipline) but I think some may be due to beginner mistake.

This is my latest tank. 2 apistogramma cacatuoides and 2 spixi snails in it. I didn’t want nerite, I have them in my other aquarium and I hate their eggs everywhere.

It’s a 20 gallons high. I glued anubias on the branch to make some sort of trees and while the nana petite are ok, the Anubia barteri is covered with algae. Is it because it’s too close to the light?

The branch is getting covered as well. In another aquarium I had a similar branch but with nerita and never saw algae on it…

Is it worth it trying to salvage the anubia, going on strong with liquid fert and liquid co2 or it’s too far gone?





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Maybe try the technique in this thread. You can treat your Anubias with carbonated water to kill the algae. In the long term I think you’re on the right track with your theory that’s the plant’s too close to the light. Putting it in the shade might help. 


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On 7/28/2022 at 5:21 PM, Karen B. said:

Is it worth it trying to salvage the anubia, going on strong with liquid fert and liquid co2 or it’s too far gone?

It looks good enough to me!  Fixing whatever is causing the algae to form like that is going to be a step in the process. If it's the light or something causing it, waiting for plants to grow in, overdosing, etc.  Whatever the reason is, fixing that will help.  What I see on your plant is the "new growth" on the leaf that doesn't have algae.  As long as you keep seeing new leaves, pull the dead ones off, try to leave 3-4 on at any one time, and then it'll keep doing well.

Be careful with this too.  Looks like it's too fine and is choking out your filter pump.


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I get this in my main tank the leaves are alive under the algae what I do is use them as weekend/holdout holiday food in the shrimp tank and just rotate the plants around. 

I'd detach it swap it with the one in the nerite tank and find a better position for the clean one you are putting in. Don't cut all the leaves off the snail will love the binge

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