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Water Wisteria

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I’m new to this so please bear with me.  I have a Water Wisteria plant that is losing its leaves ( I guess that’s what they are called).  I have a 75 gallon tank and have been using Easy Green & Easy Iron, 7ML per week and Easy Root Tabs once a month.  I started using Flourish Advance also about a month ago.  I use that 2 to 3 times a week, 17ML each time I use it. My other plants, a crypt, some pogo octo & Java Ferns seem to be doing fine, Java Ferns even have babies on the leaves.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I would hate to lose the water wisteria.  Thank You 

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My 75 does not have a plant specific light, The Wisteria grows very slowly but is growing.  The original plant has what some may refer to as un-transitioned leaves, but this plant was a cutting from a fully transitioned plant.  The 7" plant looks terrible, but continuously puts out new transitioned leaves on the previously cut tip. For me, stem cuttings always seem to do better than the parent plant.  My Wisteria in other tanks seems to do better with a longer period of low to medium light. If your Wisteria is in the shade, that also could be causing a leaf drop.

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Wisteria is a weird plant for me. I've taken a fully transitioned plant and planted it emersed. The stem turned red and the plant slowly transitioned back to emerged from. I eventually got tired of it and trimmed it off at the base. At that point it was again submerged, but grew back with leaves that look like the emersed form. 

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On 8/4/2022 at 3:44 PM, Patrick_G said:

Wisteria is a weird plant for me.

It is weird for me also.  Alongside the PSO, it was supposed to be one of those fast growing wonder plants that was supposed to take over the aquarium.  The reality is that they don't grow in my planted community tank, but do better in what I see as worse conditions in other ranks.

I experienced a mass Wisteria die off  a couple of months ago when the lights in my project tank went dim.  Now I get to see if the single survivor makes another comeback, or it is time for the PSO to become dominant.

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