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Betta bloat


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I agree with @nabokovfan87

I've dealt with this and popeye. Not fun. 

I would do the baths but I would also just add a tablespoon of aquarium salt to his tank water. You could also try brine shrimp or really any live foods as the fiber and stimulant effect of this has a laxative effect.

For betta maladies I have had decent success with Melafix which I think is largely useless for most fish but in bettas it can be magic -it is just tea tree extract and there is both antifungal and antibacterial properties in tea tree but under dose don't overdose. I think of it more as a sterilizing agent then an actual medication. 

As the fish recovers I was making a black water tea with Catapa leaves can help and then cool it and add to the tank along with the leaf. 

Good luck @Patrick_G

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Yes the leafs will help sooo much too! I’m so sorry about your betta baby

we feed ours a mixed diet of fly larvae mini pellets then the next day fly flakes then the next day frozen blood worms then a skip day then daphnia sometimes! But that skip day helps his digestive system and the protein in bloodworms should make him poo 

hope he gets to feeling better

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I haven’t seen any improvements and it’s been six days. His gill movement is very slow, but he’s still alive. I’m not sure how much longer I can let him suffer. It’s so tough. The little guy has a name, and he’s definitely a wet pet. We bought him at the Co-op after we saw him on an unboxing video so he’s extra special. 

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On 7/29/2022 at 5:34 PM, Patrick_G said:

I haven’t seen any improvements and it’s been six days. His gill movement is very slow, but he’s still alive. I’m not sure how much longer I can let him suffer. It’s so tough.

In terms of treatment in the QT, what's in there right now?

Almond leaves, salt, airstone, meds?

Did you do any epsom salt baths, is that something you want to try in this situation?

Lastly, in terms of food. I would only feed brine shrimp (if anything).  Have you been fasting him at all or will he take food at all?

Edited by nabokovfan87
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On 7/29/2022 at 8:10 PM, Patrick_G said:

@nabokovfan87, he’s still in his tank with frogs right now so they’re all still fasting. We’ve added some epsom salt and regular aquarium salt. For meds we’ve added some Melafix. 

I don't know how the frogs will do with any meds. My apologies for that.

I would treat this as a bacterial issue and try to treat with maracyn if at all possible. Given the variety of unknowns here, but seemingly some sort of a bacterial / internal infection it might be a last effort to try to help the betta get through this.

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On 7/30/2022 at 8:25 AM, Latishcia said:

Are you doing all these meds in a planted tank? Hope your Betta well.. I know he hasn't been well for days now. 

Yes, but the meds are just sodium chloride, magnesium sulfate at very low levels. 

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