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My Plastic Plant Collection


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I have a comparable collection, and mysteriously even when I give some to my sibling who's also in the hobby...more reappear. 😂 I think plastic and especially silk plants are fun. Sometimes you want a realistic live planted tank, sometimes you want a neon pink and orange tank. 

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On 7/23/2022 at 7:45 PM, Flumpweesel said:

I keep some fake plants they are handy when things are growing in or I'm sick of clearing floating leaves so pull all my stem plants.

I’m pretty sure I’ll keep most, If not all of them as I’m certain there will be a few more tanks in my future. My husband, who wasn’t a huge fan of my fishkeeping hobby in the beginning (but being a good man, indulged my zeal) has started to come around and expressed an interest in having his own tank (tho he likes the glofish  aesthetic) so, the neon plants will definitely be going in his new tank in his man cave.

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A lot of them are super cool.  I dig these ones.  We all started with non-natural stuff and that's just sort of what the stores teach us to use! (Besides that moment when we find the co-op 🙂 )

 A lot of these super bright reds and some of the delicate aesthetics are really difficult to pull off in a tank, especially for me!


I would try to encourage a moss tank, little bit of anubias, some easy stem in the background or something.  Pop in some plastic plants in his tank for good measure!

You'll have a lot of extra plants from the growth in your tank.  You'll have so much going on you won't know what to do with it all.

Cool stuff though.  Just be sure you don't have any that are super super sharp and can cut a fish easily.  One of the main reasons I got frustrated in my first tank was that the fish were so easily stuck inside the decor.  We would have fish go into the fake wood and just hide, get stuck.  Not sure why the decor manufacturers think that the holes for air to flow need to be the size of a swordtail, but I did some research and found out it was a massively common issue with that specific item. 

I still cringe every time I see it in the shop.

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On 7/24/2022 at 3:17 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

A lot of them are super cool.  I dig these ones.  We all started with non-natural stuff and that's just sort of what the stores teach us to use! (Besides that moment when we find the co-op 🙂 )

 A lot of these super bright reds and some of the delicate aesthetics are really difficult to pull off in a tank, especially for me!


I would try to encourage a moss tank, little bit of anubias, some easy stem in the background or something.  Pop in some plastic plants in his tank for good measure!

You'll have a lot of extra plants from the growth in your tank.  You'll have so much going on you won't know what to do with it all.

Cool stuff though.  Just be sure you don't have any that are super super sharp and can cut a fish easily.  One of the main reasons I got frustrated in my first tank was that the fish were so easily stuck inside the decor.  We would have fish go into the fake wood and just hide, get stuck.  Not sure why the decor manufacturers think that the holes for air to flow need to be the size of a swordtail, but I did some research and found out it was a massively common issue with that specific item. 

I still cringe every time I see it in the shop.

Those super bright ones (and they are more bright pink than red, they just don’t show on camera) I sort of inherited with the two 10 gallon tanks I purchased from Facebook Marketplace so they were never in any of my tanks, I think the seller may have had a glo tank before. A lot of the green / realistic looking plants were in my 29g to fill in space until I could purchase live plants. I’ll reuse them in other tanks as “placeholders” for live plants 😂

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