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When will my tank finally finish cycling


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Day 17

Gh 25

KH 40

Ph 7.4

Ammonia 1.0ppm

Nitrites 0

Nitrates 0

It just feels like it's taking forever.

And I'm using fish food for my ammonia souce and Fritz 7 as my beneficial bacteria. 

I'm hoping it'll be nice and cycle by the end of next month🤞.I

'm ready to see a colorful betta in this tank.. 


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The substrate that I have in my tank is just black sand and black gravel mix. I chose that route because I want to fertilize my plants as they need it. I use liquid fertilizer and I use tabs for my plants.  I only got 1 plant in my substrate.. I use this mix so The Roots won't suffocate if it was just sand.  I made it like airy substrate. As for the corner I have a air pump that's attached to a box filter and the heater is right there next to my filter, is what you see in the picture. 

On 7/11/2022 at 4:59 PM, _Eric_ said:

Did you put Fritz all in at first or a bit at a time?

This tank is a 5 gallon tank. So I only put what the bottle suggest which is 4 tablespoons. My ammonia went to 4ppm a couple of days ago so I siphoned  out a little bit of water then after adding my water I conditioned it and added more beneficial bacteria or if my water is getting low then I add more beneficial bacteria.

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On 7/11/2022 at 4:43 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Tank looks awesome.  Is there by chance a planted substrate in this tank?

I would estimate minimum 2 weeks for a cycle if you're dosing bacteria.  If you aren't then you're going to expect 4-5 weeks.

The black tube going off to the right, is that an airstone?

Thank you! Yes I do have a air stone in the area where my filter and heater I put them all in one that  corner. Because I'm planning on getting some floating plant, waiting on it in the mail. as well because I have a lot of anubias and low light plants and I don't want to have an alge breakout.. while I'm cycling this tank or even after it's been cycled. And the floating plants would help a lot with that if it ever come up. And having all that stuff in one corner with make it easier for me to contain it the floating plant. 

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Sounds like you are making progress if the ammonia dropped to 1 but weird Nitrites are not showing up yet.   If it were me I’d stop dosing the food since you have a good amount of ammonia to work with so you won’t have to do any water change.  Sometimes it can take 4 or 5 days for all of the bacteria to settle out of the water column.   I’ve had turbostart cycle in a few days but it took Fritz 7 about 10 - 15 days in a tank I recently set up.  Are you running the filter 24/7?  Just asking because I did not see bubbles in the pic.  

love the tank btw.  Plants look great.

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An extra feeding won’t hurt.  I would just give it a break until ammonia drops down a lot.  Probably have enough in there to keep it going but just keep an eye on your levels.  I’d put some more Fritz in.  You don’t have to worry about overdosing it I do t think.  I’d dose the Fritz, run the filter 24/7, and just wait / test for 5 days without more food and see what happens.  There are so many factors at play with a clean start it is hard to predict exactly but you will get there eventually.  I would expect in next week or two but hard to tell for sure.

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Nice looking nano tank! Box filters are rare (these days) but versatile, good choice.

Fishless cycling with only fish food can take a long time, but you have ammonia so that’s good. In the meantime you have a beautiful wet houseplant to look at. 

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Your only other option would be to get some media or substrate from another aquarist or LFS and use that. Otherwise you are doing all the right things. Bravo on a very good start and patience is always the hardest part of the hobby. Also tinkering is something we all have to work on so better to learn those lessons sooner then later. After 36 years in the hobby I still struggle!

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On 7/11/2022 at 7:32 PM, Waterlife said:

I love your patience, and I'm excited for your betta look.  What are you looking at to buy?  King betta?   Platinum looking Galaxy Koi?  They are all  amazing really.

I have no clue. When that time come to get my betta is whatever catch my eye just the one that I will get. I do want a female, that all I know for now. 

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On 7/12/2022 at 7:22 AM, Pepere said:

Turning the airstone on would help.  Nitrifying bacteria do better with aeration.


higher ph up to around 8.2 speeds things along a bit as the bacteria are more active at slightly more alkaline levels.  Heat raised to about 80 degrees also helps a bit.

I just do that now. Thanks for the tip. 👍

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