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New baby Corydora! Now what?


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So I bought some bronze corydora from Aquarium Coop a few months ago.  Then today as I’m watching for thr fish, I see several baby corydora! I never even knew thry were born, so I never fed any fry food… and it looks like they are growing nicely, but what should I feed them? I have been giving the Hikari sinking pellets so far… with occasional blood worms and brine shrimp.  Any other suggestions?


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To I'm in the same boat--I just discovered an unexpected baby panda cory yesterday. At this point, I think my non intervention was the source of the accidental breeding success. 😅

But I feed my fish repashy (I mix soylent green and community) which they like.

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Thanks everyone.  I kept up whatever was being done before, and I don’t know exactly how many there are, but I have for sure more than 10 of the baby fish that are happily swimming in the tank.  So I at least doubled if not tripled the number of corydora I now have 🙂 I just did a water change and cleared out my filter so the flow is restored, and they all started to swim all over the place (I’m hoping it’s because they like the flow).  I just now am seeing just how many there are, and it’s really quite something to see.  I’m looking forward to seeing them growing big and healthy!

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Congrats. I also think you are good as is. There are all kinds of natural fry foods in an established planted tank. Speaking from my panda cory experience in a planted 55, that went from 6 to way more than 6, if you see one there are almost certainly more fry in the plants at various stages of growth.The one you photographed should eat everything adults eat. 

That natural food in your tank and your standard foods seem to be the perfect amount to grow your group. If you wanted to be sure you alhad a little extra for fry I have crushed up flakes and pellets before with a mortar and pestle to get tiny foods to fry. That has normally be fine for Corydoras fry.  Some live baby brine could be fed or live worms of some sort (blackworms, whiteworms, or grindal worms, etc)

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