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Stocking for New Aquarium


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I have a 20 gallon high aquarium that I have yet to fully stock. I was wondering if I could add some guppies or endless to my current stocking. I would like to add Endlers but I may not be able to get them in my area.

Current Stocking: 5 Harlequin Rasboras, 1 Mystery Snail, 1 Nerite Snail, 2 Bladder Snails, and 2 Ramshorn Snails.

Plants: Lots of Giant Saggitaria, Amazon Sword, 4 Anubias, Tiger Lotus.

Equipment: Aquaclear 30, Aquaneat 10-30 Sponge Filter with Tetra Whisper, Aquaneat 24 in. light, Nicrew 100w Heater.

Fish that I have decided on adding over the next few weeks: 2-3 Honey Gourami, 3 Harlequin Rasboras, 4-6 Kuhli Loaches.

My first question is if I could add a few fancy guppies to my current stocking. Probably like 3 and let them breed so there will maybe be like 6. If there are more than 6 I have some friends who would take them, or give them back to LFS.

My second question is if I should get 2 or 3 honey gouramis? I will try to pick 1m-2f or 1m-1f at the fish store. 

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On 7/2/2022 at 3:37 PM, lefty o said:

a few guppy's will go nicely, but you will end up with more than 6, many, many, many more.

Thanks, I got it!

On 7/2/2022 at 3:42 PM, Brandon p said:

If you get guppies or Enders I would recommend all one sex. Just for the reason @lefty o said.Most people like the males because they are more colorful. I sell 5 times as many males.

I understand, but I kind of want to breed and when I get to many I have friend or my LFS who will take them


On 7/2/2022 at 4:09 PM, Patrick_G said:

Guppies, Platys or Endlers would all work. It’s fun to have babies in the tank and I sounds like you have a plan to re-home the extras. 

I would like to get platies, but I feel like If I got platies my tank would be overstocked.

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If you want to breed I would keep them I’m I would in there own tank. After one breed you can have so many. I have them I’m in 19 gallon muck buckets(3) and a 55g. If you do get some and want to give some to friends and family I would consider even a Rubbermaid container, they work great and they hide away well. They fancy guppies can be very prolific. I have a trip to several LFS Monday because there are so many. 

That said I think you with be fine a first and at some point you will have a choice to make. But who doesn’t love babies(fry).

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On 7/2/2022 at 5:08 PM, Brandon p said:

If you want to breed I would keep them I’m I would in there own tank. After one breed you can have so many. I have them I’m in 19 gallon muck buckets(3) and a 55g. If you do get some and want to give some to friends and family I would consider even a Rubbermaid container, they work great and they hide away well. They fancy guppies can be very prolific. I have a trip to several LFS Monday because there are so many. 

That said I think you with be fine a first and at some point you will have a choice to make. But who doesn’t love babies(fry).

Ok, thanks!

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