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Mudskipper tank mates


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I’m getting a mudskipper for my 10g ( don’t worry I did my research some of the smaller mudskippers CAN go in a 10g) and I used a lot of the room for sand and air. I have like 4gs left. I’m wondering tank mates but idk. I’m gonna keep it in fresh because you can do any fresh OR brackish will work. I might do 2 shell dwellers, or maybe bumble bee goby, or some killifish. This is a stretch but maybe for an odd ball I’d put a fresh water pea puffer. That might be interesting. I do need the fish I keep to

1. Eat prepared food

2. be somewhat peaceful 

3. Fit in a small space

4. Be somewhat hardy and not super fragile 

this is my second tank and I hope for success 

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@urmomsguppy Congratulation on getting Indian mudskippers (I am assuming Indian because of the small tank size). As someone that has been keeping mudskippers for a few years (both Indian and African variants), I would not recommend tank mates in the 10 gallon. It is a little on the small side, and most fish compatible with Indian mudskippers will not thrive with that small of a water area. With that being said, if you really want to have some tank mates, I think that a few bumblebee gobies could work (4-5). I would not do shell dwellers (I also have a few species of shell dwellers) or killifish.

Lastly, even though your research may have shown you that they can be kept in freshwater, they really do need the minerals from the reef/marine salt. I would recommend at least a slightly brackish setup (add a few tablespoons of marine or reef salt to your setup). Brackish is super easy, and doesn't need to be exact. 

Here is an article that I wrote for the website on brackish tanks: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/brackish-aquarium

I also have a bunch of videos on Youtube about mudskippers and brackish water.

Good luck, and I hoped that this helped!

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On 6/15/2022 at 12:13 PM, Zenzo said:

@urmomsguppy Congratulation on getting Indian mudskippers (I am assuming Indian because of the small tank size). As someone that has been keeping mudskippers for a few years (both Indian and African variants), I would not recommend tank mates in the 10 gallon. It is a little on the small side, and most fish compatible with Indian mudskippers will not thrive with that small of a water area. With that being said, if you really want to have some tank mates, I think that a few bumblebee gobies could work (4-5). I would not do shell dwellers (I also have a few species of shell dwellers) or killifish.

Lastly, even though your research may have shown you that they can be kept in freshwater, they really do need the minerals from the reef/marine salt. I would recommend at least a slightly brackish setup (add a few tablespoons of marine or reef salt to your setup). Brackish is super easy, and doesn't need to be exact. 

Here is an article that I wrote for the website on brackish tanks: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/brackish-aquarium

I also have a bunch of videos on Youtube about mudskippers and brackish water.

Good luck, and I hoped that this helped!

Ok thanks zenzo. I will strongly consider brackish tank, and I probably would’ve added some salt just to inrich and stimulate them. I would love to do bumble bee gobies however where would I find them. Could you recommend me a good website or source to get them from. Thanks

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@urmomsguppy Bumblee gobies are pretty common. Most local fish stores will have them or be able to order them for you. As far as ordering bumblebee gobies online, I have never tried to order them, so I would not have a good recommendation. Should be easy to finds for around $5-7 per fish though. 

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On 6/15/2022 at 1:21 PM, Zenzo said:

@urmomsguppy Bumblee gobies are pretty common. Most local fish stores will have them or be able to order them for you. As far as ordering bumblebee gobies online, I have never tried to order them, so I would not have a good recommendation. Should be easy to finds for around $5-7 per fish though. 

Ok thanks for the feedback

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