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Hair Algae

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This is a 29 gallon planted tank. It’s been up and running since February and is coming along very well. I am running a Fluval Plant 3.0. Light and I really like the ability to change the light parameters.

Lately I have been dealing with this algae growth in only the upper third of the tank. My water parameters are all great with the nitrates running a little over 20ppm but. It quite 30ppm. 

any suggestions?


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On 5/31/2022 at 11:35 AM, Waricks said:

Lately I have been dealing with this algae growth in only the upper third of the tank. My water parameters are all great with the nitrates running a little over 20ppm but. It quite 30ppm. 

any suggestions?

Can you show the full tank shot so we can see if there's any high demand plants on the substrate level?

I would try to reduce nitrates, remove the algae manually, clean the filters as well and try to keep algae at bay.  You may or may not need to reduce lighting slightly.  Can you share your lighting schedule and settings please.


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On 5/31/2022 at 4:54 PM, Waricks said:

This shot is a couple of weeks old but nothing has been added or subtracted. Just plant growth. 

Did anything change?  Lighting itself? Lighting in the room? Added feeding? A big cleanout or something to do with filtration?

I see the filter in the back of the tank on the right side and then an airstone or something on the left.  Can you walk me through the filter setup?  I'd just like to understand the flow in the tank, that's all.  I don't know how the tank shown started to spontaneously grow algae unless there is something that was changed or something that should've occurred in maint schedule that didn't. 

Last variable to consider is just if there were any casualties in the tank recently?

My only guess if everything is normal, that as the plant got right up under the light, it got too intense for the plant itself. If the plant doesn't have CO2 or other resources to grow quickly, it's under high light, then other things might pop up to take those nutrients.

If Nitrates are over 20, and the light is set pretty strong, that's the assumption I'd go with.

Edited by nabokovfan87
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The only change I made was the addition of a bristlenosed pleco that was given to us from my Nephew who has a breeding pair. 

The filter is a Fluval U2 that I clean out the filters about once a month. I don’t really do much for water changes. I take out a few gallons, just enough to rinse out the filters. The Air stone is a 4 inch bar that is a carry over from when I was cycling the tank. My wife likes the bubbles. 

Here are my light values. I probably should change them a bit. 


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The tank is relatively new and not yet seasoned.  I’ve had new setups have a algae breakout.  Whatever you do I would do slowly, and then wait a week or so.  So,  first maybe physically remove what you can and turn the lights back/down some and maybe shorten time on by 30 minutes. 
Good Luck 

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