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RidX and Fluval Waste Control Biological


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A few years ago I read various articles about people using Ridx in there aquariums. I recently came across a formula from Fluval that appears to give the same attributes that I recall those who use the RidX were claiming. Can anyone shed some light on this comparison or am I posting this in the wrong section?.....cheers

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On 5/26/2022 at 6:06 PM, TUCCI said:

A few years ago I read various articles about people using Ridx in there aquariums. I recently came across a formula from Fluval that appears to give the same attributes that I recall those who use the RidX were claiming. Can anyone shed some light on this comparison or am I posting this in the wrong section?.....cheers


I have not heard about this.  I know there are some chemical "cleaners" for aquariums where the sale's pitch is that you can just dump it in and not worry about cleaning your aquarium.  I would highly recommend simply having a cleaning regiment that includes gravel vac, water change, and rinsing your foams.

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Its a common Septic cleaner that does exactly what the Fluval product claims to do. I subscribe to your cleaning regimen and have for years however the only way to properly clean every nook and cranny is to remove lift tubes, decor etc and soak them in hot water. When I came across the use of RidX by aquarist I was surprised I hadn't heard it before. I'm just wondering how many members are avid users of the Fluval/RidX product and require feedback as to its viable use for me in the future. Also if its been determined that the two products are one in the same which to me is likely.

There are reports that it tends to raise ammonia levels and is offset with a dosage of bacteria at the same time. There are also reports that some have lost delicate fish like shrimp etc. Apparently since I'm not getting a lot of feedback this practice is not common and IF I'm even considering its usage to lean towards the Fluval product only for caution sake use a lighter dosage as any ammonia spike is prohibitive as far as I'm concerned. Its not expensive with a standard 1ml dosage per gallon and $10 for a 180ml bottle. RidX  is also as inexpensive which really makes me go hmmmm.

Please don't take this article as a sales pitch by any means, I'm just trying to determine how widespread its use is among aquarist so I can consider it for my personal use.

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Ridx and other such products are used in the hobby as “sludge removers.” Their efficacy however, is subject to scrutiny. 

I would not recommend the use of these products in your septic, aquaculture, or aquarium use. The short of it is the “sludge” that forms from our waste products is actually a very nutrient rich food source for a variety of bacteria. If the bacteria can’t reduce it all in a timely enough manner for us, mechanical removal of the sludge is best practice. 

In biology and chemistry there is no such thing as a miracle cure. I’d be weary of any product that states that on the package. 

On 5/27/2022 at 4:00 AM, TUCCI said:

 I subscribe to your cleaning regimen and have for years however the only way to properly clean every nook and cranny is to remove lift tubes, decor etc and soak them in hot water.

I would not recommend this. Every time you boil your aquarium decor you kill that layer of micro organisms that is working towards cleaning your tank and for some, feeding your fish. If that layer does bother you, take the decor out soak it in aquarium water and brush it with a soft bristle brush. 

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On 5/27/2022 at 7:00 AM, TUCCI said:

the only way to properly clean every nook and cranny is to remove lift tubes, decor etc and soak them in hot water.

Often over cleaning in a tank is not so good. I use a brush and tank water only if they clog or slow. I don’t have decor other than wood and live plants. So much beneficial bacteria grows on this stuff.  I have found the less I over clean in a year or two when the tank thoroughly ages and seasons I have less and less that needs cleaned. All the bacteria that is needed to break everything down grows on its own.  Though rid x may perform the same function as the fluval stuff (I don’t use products like these so cannot give a fair assessment) I would be VERY leary of adding it to a tank.  There are billions of different types of bacteria that preform the same functions but are not the same at all and may harm fish.  There is also no guarantee ridx has not come in contact with or contain something that may be inherently dangerous to your fish. There is also the chance maybe of the ridx bacteria outcompeting your beneficial bacteria or harming your BB I would think. 

I am also not a chemist or biologist or scientist . Just a hobbiest providing a different view point.  I find allow Mother Nature to do her job vs me adding things ends in a very stable healthy ecosystem.  

Edited by Guppysnail
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