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Dying Frogbit

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Hey all,

My frogbit isn’t doing too well. Most of the leaves are turning brown and dying. I only have a few healthy leaves left with roots. I noticed my tank was only at 20ppm nitrates so I started to increase my fertilizer dosage. Every other plant in my tank seems to be fine. I do have 2 sponge filters with air stones in them (30 gallon tank). Could the death be caused by too much surface agitation? I noticed most of the leaves are partly wilted under water. Even the healthy ones. Is this possibly caused by nutrient deficiencies or too much surface agitation? I’d prefer not to lose all my frogbit

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Most floating plants don't like to have water on top of their leaves. This can happen from condensation, bubbles popping in excess, too much agitation. Pics may help?

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On 5/21/2022 at 10:54 PM, Cory said:

Most floating plants don't like to have water on top of their leaves. This can happen from condensation, bubbles popping in excess, too much agitation. Pics may help?

Here’s a few pictures of the frogbit and their environment. My guess is either condensation from the lid or the sponge filters. I tried to remove all dead plants and all that’s left are the “healthy” ones.




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On 5/21/2022 at 11:13 PM, Cory said:

it looks like condensation, try leaving that glass flap open for a few days. Also ensure you have enough nitrates in there for them to thrive.

Thank you so much Cory! Fingers crossed this works🤞

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I found lowering the water level a little helps with lids, or replacing part of the lid with plastic canvas so they "breathe" better. 

I never have problems with my floating plants in the T4' tank, only the ones that have lids and I fill to the top.

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In my experience two things 01. water laying the leaves, 02. or way to close to a hot light source.  
Ok maybe 3 things and I doubt this happened.  A extreme drop in air temperature.  I have noticed when keeping outside here in north eastern USA a cold night will kill them.


Good Luck 

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Floating plants also tend to not like excess surface agitation.  When you get a good mat of them going, they do well, but when you only have a few containing them inside a floating ring will tend to help them get established.  Once you get enough of them established, they help create the environment they like and the group as a whole gets more tolerant of surface agitation because they form a mat that has a calm center.  The other post you started about your frogbit has lots of ideas and suggestions.  Do you have some airline tubing you can use to corral the frogbit away from the filter flow so it isn’t constantly wet?  That’s what I do to start frogbit in a new tank.  Once it has heavy enough growth, it doesn’t need a ring or you can use the ring to keep the frogbit out, away from the filter flow. This is frogbit that has overgrown enough to take over the entire tank. You can see the floating ring that has been nearly covered by the frogbit.  This is also midway during thinning and the ring attachment was too far below the water line.  This is a 10 gallon tank.



Edited by Odd Duck
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