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Ottos playing hide and seek


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So I had 3 ottos for the last 7 months in my 29 gallon and a week or 2 ago I noticed I only had 2 left. I moved some plants and kept an eye out and couldn’t find it. They actually look a little different with one having wider eyes then the others and another having a nipped tail. I gave up and thought it was dead. Just now I was playing with my new tank and all 3 were on the front glass for a second then ran off. Am I gonna be expecting a batch of Otto fry or was it just being nocturnal? They usually are out on the spiralis or wendti if not on the glass so easy to find. 


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On 5/15/2022 at 8:49 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

They're mostly nocturnal in my experience. Also swim off when anyone approaches. 

Then mine are oddballs. They literally just sit there when I’m messing with the tank and I have to shoo them away when they’re on a plant I need to trim or the side of the tank I’m cleaning. I’ve literally had to poke one several times in the tail to get it to move. 

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