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Cardinal Tetras behvavior


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I recently added 5 cardinal tetras to my newly cycled planted 20 gallon aquarium. It has been about a week and they kind of just hide behind the plants most of the time and dont do much swimming or schooling. I have checked water parameters and everything is safe. Any suggestions? I am considering adding 3-5 more tetras but did not want to overstock the tank too quickly! Thanks!

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Water parameters are safe….  What do you consider safe?  I would check with the store and ask what they kept them in, and if they had any problems with remaining stock.  Also what is the temperature, cardinal tetras will like it warm (like 83-84).   Light?  Do they act like this all the time? Maybe to much/bright.  Try leaving lights off and room lights on.  

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Ammonia/Nitrites ~0. Nitrates ~5 ppm. Temperature is around 76. Light I try to not have on too long as I read they can be sensitive to bright light so only a few hours a day for my plants but they behave similarly when the lights are off..

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Hmmmm, well I would at least bring the temperature up some and talk to the shop/store.  Make sure your water matches the stores.  Is is possible to have a small electrical current leaking into the aquarium?  Are they eating ok?

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On 5/6/2022 at 8:57 PM, WKJR said:

ok thats what I was thinking. I will add more soon! Thanks so much for all of the input!

I agree with @lefty o 100%. If they love eating they are likely perfectly fine. I would not worry about keeping them in hotter water either. 

Schooling fish are goofy. If there aren't enough they don't feel safe. I would add at least 5 more. I think the rule of thumb is minimum 6 but they are small so I say go higher, lol

Also , Cardinals are black water fish, they need very clean water (lots of bio filtration, as do shrimp). This is way more important than PH or temp. 

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