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Ziss Filter


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On 4/25/2022 at 1:21 AM, Doom21 said:

I just got a Ziss filter. Do you need to replace the media ever? 

If it gets clogged with mulm and stuff you can clean it out to "reset it". The air intake tends to get clogged and then it feeds up into the media sometimes. The sponge does degrade over time. I've been using mine for about 4-5 years (basically since Cory got them in stock) and haven't replaced anything. Pretty soon here I need to cut some new sponge. Beyond that, no.

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IME just turn off the air to the filter and clean the prefilter sponges weekly in a bucket of tank water and rinse the media in a bucket of tank water every 3 months or. Generally the way the fluidized media works is to house the surface are for bacteria to grow and the prefilter is what prevents large particles of waste collecting in the K1 style media. If anything does get in, the friction of the moving media generally will physically break up the waste, but it should never get to that point. Maintaining the sponge is the key part. If you do get build up, just treat the media like any biological media and rinse in a bucket of tank water.

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you should never have to replace the media. as other mentioned cleaning the sponge is the only maintenance needed. mine has been running for about 2 years now, and the media looks like new, and i have it running as slow as possible, and yet still be moving.

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