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Stand recommendations


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I've been looking for a stand for a 10 gal. I have a few ideas, especially since a lot of furniture items work for 10 gal, but while browsing Amazon I got an idea. Why get a stand for one when I can get a shelving unit for a few?  

I haven't looked into it super deep yet but I wanted to get some recommendations if anyone has gotten any online.  Most of the ones I was seeing were usually 30 inches high. That means a little under 15 inches between the shelves. A 10 gal is 12 inches high. Would 3 inch clearance be enough to clean and such?  I'm not entirely convinced. Although am also not convinced I really need an excuse for more tanks haha. 

Any recommendations or advice for what to look for?

Edited by Cinnebuns
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I have a 10g on the shelf below my 37g. There is 11.75" clearance from the rim of the tank to the bottom of the shelf. My 5g bucket that I use for water changes is 12.5" diameter. I have a python and a transfer pump on order so I can pump from the bucket into the tank. Later I plan on getting a 55g can on wheels to optimize my water changes.

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