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Betta with possible tumor/growth

Mario V.

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Hey everyone, so I noticed today that my betta has some sort of growth near its dorsal fin. As the pictures show the growth is very round and white, it does not look fuzzy. I think it is some sort of growth or tumor but I am not 100% sure. My water parameters are pH 6.5, KH 0 ppm, GH 200 ppm, Nitrite 0 ppm, Nitrate 10 ppm, Ammonia 0 ppm, Temp 80 F. The tank has been up and running for about 4 months now. Any help identifying the issue and possible solutions would be great thank you! 


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I had a betta with at tumor. Not quite like that one, but I had a fish vet come out and she said that since it was not going to grow over their eyes, mouth, of gills and so it was not going to affect their life. The vet did not remove it because it was attached to muscle underneath the skin. My fish died of age before it grew over his gill. the one thing to look out for is it may be a zoonotic fish diseases (it can transfer to humans). The way the vet tested if it was a zoonotic fish diseases was by pricking the tumor with a needle. If pus came out it meant that it was a zoonotic fish diseases. I am not an expert, but to just play it safe, wash your hands after putting your hands in the tank and don't put your hands in the tank if you have a cut. 

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