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Cali’s New Tank Thread!


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I put some rocks I wanted to test, in a Tupperware container with distilled water. I used an API pH test kit and then I tested the water again two weeks later. Oh my goodness I could not believe how the soft distilled water turned so hard in just a few weeks. Such a disappointment because who does not like pretty rocks? I had gone to the local pond shop bought black rocks and Mexican beach pebbles, I think they were called. I was told for sure the Mexican beach pebbles were not going to leach into my aquarium. But obviously they did. It might not matter too much if I was not in Florida. Our water is at the very hard end of the scale and the pH is already over 8 right out of the tap

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I was told not to test with distilled water. Now I’m confused ~ so you couldn’t use the rocks because they made the Ph rise?


i’m in California we have very hard water ~  I’ve never tested it out out of the tap I just got my kit I should test it when I get home!

enomol Gravel Vacuum for Aquarium Water Changer Fish Tank Cleaning Tools,Siphon Universal Quick Pump Aquarium Water Changing https://www.amazon.com/dp/B098D3QJ1J/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_KCZRTZ4Y8VKP9GPQW054?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1


I have this one and the adapters three of them none of them work on any of the bathrooms or the sinks😡 unless I don’t know what I’m doing🤫😂

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On 4/15/2022 at 2:10 PM, sweetpoison said:

OK guys here are some of the fish that I’m looking at getting and let me know what you all think ~ 

Pea puffers

clown loaches


I think that’s it for a long while ~ I only have a 20 gallon


I just wanna know how many and if they’re compatible. Do I get them separately are all at once?

The clown loaches will get way to big, maybe try hovering zebra loaches, yoyo loaches, or Kuhli loaches. 

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On 4/27/2022 at 4:31 PM, sweetpoison said:

I was told not to test with distilled water. Now I’m confused ~ so you couldn’t use the rocks because they made the Ph rise?.............................


yes i didnt use the rocks, i didnt want a rise in ph, nor a rise in hardness. our water is already so high in ph  and general hardness, that my liquid test kits would not  show if my rocks made it harder or changed the ph! so thats why i used distilled to check the rocks. i always add some distilled when doing water changes too, I just kind of have to. i know cichlids dont mind my water, but i dont have cichlids, SO i do what i can :) I never heard you should not use distilled  to test rocks. hmmm, who knows. I use a python to change water too. you have to unscrew the screen where the water comes out of the faucet first, then screw on an  adapter, then the python. my kitchen, and bathroom both take different adapters. one came with the python and two i bought at home depot. they said they didnt have such a thing, but my friend went with me and found them


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Hey Lefty!  Can you tell me how much aquarium soil I would need for a 20 gallon long. I’m getting myself so confused and I don’t wanna over buy ~ taking my time on this aquarium. Can you tell😂. I’m having a slope in the background so I’m thinking 3 inches maybe or two I really don’t know. I read somewhere 12 L. 2 pounds to a liter does that sound right to you?

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On 5/4/2022 at 5:51 PM, lefty o said:

soak it until it quits floating. every piece of wood will be different in how long it takes to get water logged.

Well it’s been almost a week nothing is floating😂 but it sure is pretty when it’s wet!


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On 5/6/2022 at 3:46 PM, sweetpoison said:

Hey Lefty!  Can you tell me how much aquarium soil I would need for a 20 gallon long. I’m getting myself so confused and I don’t wanna over buy ~ taking my time on this aquarium. Can you tell😂. I’m having a slope in the background so I’m thinking 3 inches maybe or two I really don’t know. I read somewhere 12 L. 2 pounds to a liter does that sound right to you?

i have no idea with the soil. im a gravel user.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Seriously? 👏You have gravel on the bottom too and then you added sand?

So do you think I need more sand?  look at my picture?  It’s just all a rough draft nothing is final here ~ I’ve been playing this for months. Only thing that is final is my Forestwood.  Can’t really see the gravel except a little bit, except on the sides and I don’t really care about that.





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On 5/27/2022 at 4:55 AM, sweetpoison said:

I have totally messed up my tank ~  I’m never gonna get water or fish in it. I poured lots of sand over my gravel and I know better cause I know sooner or later The sand is going to sink and the gravel will come up.


What a mess😞

It’s totally fine, many aquarists use a similar method. My 75g has aquasoil capped with sand. The soil does indeed work it’s way up, but it take a while. I just vacuumed it out or cover it up with a bit more sand. You could even make it a feature by purposefully adding some decorative gravel to mask the stuff coming up. 

Youtuber MD fishtanks uses this method and his tanks look spectacular. 

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Thank you so much!  You guys are so awesome here ~ every time I start to freak out I think wait…I’ll go see what you guys think♥️😂

On 5/27/2022 at 8:18 AM, PithyUserName said:

That upright birch is really original. I like it. Wonder if supergluing it to the tank might have sped up the set up?

Thank you it looks so awesome when it gets wet too it will be a beautiful color. I have super glued it to rocks,  on the side, and rocks on the bottom and it’s soaked it for two weeks. Those puppies float up I will just have to come back here and freak out😂🫣

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Well I am finished with my tank!  Hopefully it’s not going to pop when I fill it up, and my plants won’t float to the top and die😩

lol Having said that ~

Myy light is too bright on the tank it annoys me!  I remember switching the lights on my tanks in the past because I didn’t have the effect I wanted ~ wish I don’t even know what that is anymore but this is too bright.

 So I’m going to fill it up with water, add prime, run the filter put on the heat. And then what’s next?  Test my water for parameters?  And then I need to start cycling this tank ~ I have no fish food and I don’t really want to cycle with fish.  I know what my parameters should be I just don’t remember how to get there😂

As far as my fish ~ not for a while I’m sure

I wanted to get a Betta and some Tetras ~ Do I get them all at once Or the Betta first?

Thanks guys hanging with me I know it’s taking me a long time to get to this point🤭


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Hi friend, looks very nice! Get the Tetra first- they will help season your tank more (Bettas do better in a well seasoned tank) AND adding the Betta LAST will also help it hopefully be less teritorial. While you let the Tetra settle- get a floating breeder box and a small QT started so when you get the Betta and you're ready to introduce them after QT you can put them in the floating breeder so both fish species can be introduced and you can watch the Betta behavior.

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