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5.5 gallon stocking suggestions?


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I am setting up a planted 5.5 gallon tank. I saw a co-op video where Dean mentioned keeping celestial pearl danios in a nano tank. I love the fish but everything else I’ve read says they need at least 10 gallons. Is it possible to keep a small group of CPD’s in a 5.5? Or are there other types of fish that might be a better fit? I would love to hear everyone’s suggestions! 

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It's possible but the main reason it's discouraged is because smaller tank = less volume = things can go wrong a lot faster, especially if the tank isn't seasoned. I don't have experience with CPDs so this may not apply to them, but I think that depending on their activity level a 5.5g may not quite have the footprint size they'd be happy in long-term.

My go-to stocking for 5.5g is a betta, a pea puffer, or an ornamental shrimp colony.

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Not fish, but why not consider 3 African dwarf frogs 🙂  They are beyond cute, easy to take care of, and they are such goof balls.   They will do great in a planted tank.   The water depth in a 5 gallon typically is just right for these little fellows.  

Because of common infections, I would highly suggest however that you do the med trio the Co Op recommends for fish.  Bacterial, parastical, and fungal infections are not uncommon.  For these little critters, you want to get a head start on any potential issues before they become a problem. I have personally used the med trio for my own and friends frogs over the years.


Now for fish recommendations, why not consider 3 - 5 male guppies?  I have a setup at my mothers running with 5 male guppies with no problems.   The tank balances out great with the plants. 

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13 hours ago, ange said:

My go-to stocking for 5.5g is a betta, a pea puffer, or an ornamental shrimp colony.

Do you think it's reasonable to try to keep a pea puffer with something else in a 5.5? I'm asking because I really want red crystal shrimp, and I really want a pea puffer, but I only have the one tank. Lol. I won't do it if it'll truly be mad carnage in there, but I would loooove if I could have a beautiful cleanup crew at the bottom to complement Mr. Puffy's hovering antics...

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I've read on forums that some people have done pea puffers and shrimp with success. They even report that the puffers were leaving the juvenile shrimp alone, however, I imagine every puffer is different. You might need to keep a close eye on them and have a plan to save the shrimp, if you so desire, if things go south.  

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1 hour ago, Mahi27 said:


Do you think it's reasonable to try to keep a pea puffer with something else in a 5.5? I'm asking because I really want red crystal shrimp, and I really want a pea puffer, but I only have the one tank. Lol. I won't do it if it'll truly be mad carnage in there, but I would loooove if I could have a beautiful cleanup crew at the bottom to complement Mr. Puffy's hovering antics...

Pea puffers are predators and would likely make short work of the colony in that tank size. They're much more aggressive than bettas. I think the two species would need a much larger tank with a lot of hiding places for them to coexist.

I have CRS in my 5.5g and the only tankmates are snails and Amanos.

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  • 2 months later...
On 10/14/2020 at 1:24 PM, Mahi27 said:


Do you think it's reasonable to try to keep a pea puffer with something else in a 5.5? I'm asking because I really want red crystal shrimp, and I really want a pea puffer, but I only have the one tank. Lol. I won't do it if it'll truly be mad carnage in there, but I would loooove if I could have a beautiful cleanup crew at the bottom to complement Mr. Puffy's hovering antics...

I have my pea puffer with 3 otos in a 5.5. I'm blessed with a puffer that has a more docile personality. That being said, he is a predator! My otos are actually doing great with him. He doesn't care about them at all. He's really odd about what he attacks and what he ignores. He LOVES to eat snails BUT apparently doesn't care for assassin snails. When my algae got bad in the tank, I introduced two nerites from another tank. He has nipped at them a couple times, but he mostly does not care about them anymore. 

I really can't speak to shrimps or to your situation in particular. I can just give you one more pea puff experience to reference. Overall, expect the worst at first, and cater to your lil puff's personality. 

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Thank you @Ali for your experience! I find that everyone who has a pea puffer always has some kind of quirky account of its shenanigans. Definitely getting one in the future. For now I decided to turn the tank in question into a shrimp penthouse. Picking up some Zebra Babaultis this weekend 😄 pea puffer some other time. 

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On 10/14/2020 at 10:24 AM, Mahi27 said:


Do you think it's reasonable to try to keep a pea puffer with something else in a 5.5? I'm asking because I really want red crystal shrimp, and I really want a pea puffer, but I only have the one tank. Lol. I won't do it if it'll truly be mad carnage in there, but I would loooove if I could have a beautiful cleanup crew at the bottom to complement Mr. Puffy's hovering antics...

I currently have 3 pea puffers in a 12 gallon with red cherry shrimp. I have cherry shrimp by the bucket full, so I put some culls in assuming they would become a food source. The puffers and shrimp are both still juveniles, and so far are coexisting peacefuly. Since you don't have the puffer yet, why not establish a breeding colony of shrimp and then add a puffer for population control?

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