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White spot on oto's nose


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A couple of days ago, I noticed a white spot on the nose of one of my otocinclus (Schmendrick).  There are 4 other otos in the tank as well as a bunch of platies.  None of the other fish show any signs of anything.  The only thing different in the environment is that last week, I had to move all of the fish, including the oto in question, from a 10g tank to the 20g due to a leak.  Schmendrick is eating and socializing normally.  

I can't tell if this is a disease or an injury from getting netted, moved etc.   I did an internet search but all the results pointed to Ich.  This does not look like Ich to me, but I am willing to be wrong.  

  • Tank: 20h, planted
  • Temp: 76 
  • Water Parameters Today: 
    • Ammonia 0
    • Nitrite 0
    • Nitrate 40 ( I do water changes on Mondays)
    • KH 12
    • PH 7.6




Edited by PaigeIs
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I agree with @Colu. Having about 60 Otos in my care right now- minor abrasions/skin rubs definitely result in color loss in those areas and if it's only surface level rarely need treatment, just monitoring and good care. Coloring usually returns to normal but it does take time. If there's any suspicion that it wasn't catching them out of the other tank, check their new tank to make sure there aren't any tight spots around decorations and sponge filters as Otos like to get into tight spaces which is sometimes very detrimental. 

Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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As others say is a fish frequently scrape it self; then a touch of fungus will grow on the wound while it heals. The fungus is not an issue (think of it is a scab) and as the wound heals the fungus will vanish. It is a big mistake to treat this sort of fungus.

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On 3/7/2022 at 12:16 PM, anewbie said:

As others say is a fish frequently scrape it self; then a touch of fungus will grow on the wound while it heals. The fungus is not an issue (think of it is a scab) and as the wound heals the fungus will vanish. It is a big mistake to treat this sort of fungus.


On 3/7/2022 at 11:53 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

I agree with @Colu. Having about 60 Otos in my care right now- minor abrasions/skin rubs definitely result in color loss in those areas and if it's only surface level rarely need treatment, just monitoring and good care. Coloring usually returns to normal but it does take time. If there's any suspicion that it wasn't catching them out of the other tank, check their new tank to make sure there aren't any tight spots around decorations and sponge filters as Otos like to get into tight spaces which is sometimes very detrimental. 


On 3/7/2022 at 11:47 AM, Colu said:

Look like an injury to me the nose probably rubbed on the net I would just monitor for now it should heal on its own


Thanks!  I appreciate the advice.   I'm glad I trusted my instincts and did not treat for Ich.  I'll keep an eye on the little guy (gal?).   

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