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Why are my snail’s shell changing color?


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I recently got some mystery snail, but over the past week I have noticed a difference in the color of their shells and they appear to be growing. The snails are active and are all over the place. What is the reason for this change?


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On 3/1/2022 at 3:44 PM, Fish Folk said:

Is your water soft? Snails need enough calcium / KH to keep their shells healthy. It may be that the shells are wearing down. As for activity, how warm are you keeping the water?

I normally have hard water, the temperature is  78F for the fish

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Changes in the water will cause a change in shell growth. I had a nerite who's stripes grew different directions after each move because the water apparently changed so much. Never had issues with thin spots or anything, just you could tell when things changed for it.

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This is very healthy new growth. Right where the old growth stops and the new color shell begins you see a bump and the new diameter is slightly larger causing the bump. This means his conditions and nutrition have improved. Great job!  Over time as the new shell hardens more the color will become more uniform with the old but you will always see the difference. I have a few of mine tha have moved from tank to tank and even just a tank size upgrade. All my parameters are the same but just that slight difference causes a noticeable line. The do like blanched veggies and need to eat more as they grow larger. Leftover fish food won’t be enough. Congratulations on your new family members. 
edit to add they need calcium in the diet not just the water. Nano banquet blocks with spirulina help wondershells are ok as a food calcium source but not as good. Many invert foods contain added calcium. 

Edited by Guppysnail
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