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A good center piece fish for shrimp tank?


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So I have one of those hexagon tanks and is I think around 25 gallons and moved my shrimp colony into it and wanted to add a centerpiece fish if there is one that’s not going to eat all my shrimp or a lone school of something and wanted some suggestions. I watched some videos and got some ideas but wanted to see if anyone had anything in their shrimp tanks and if so what . 

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If the tank is similar to the one I have then I'm guessing it is very tall and narrow. A Singapore Shrimp would make a cool show piece invert in a tank like that, or maybe something like a rabbit snail. Fancy Plecos are always cool centerpieces that wont eat shrimp. If your tank has plenty of places to hide and you let the colony establish you might be able to do a Betta, I know a lot of people keep bettas with shrimp and it seems like its hit or miss depending on the personality of the fish if he will hunt them all down or leave them alone. 

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For 6 months I kept schools of Harlequin rasboras and strawberry rasboras in my planted shrimp tanks. I thought they were leaving the shrimplets alone because the populations were steadily growing. However, since moving the rasboras to a community tank the shrimp populations have exploded. Now I see many hundreds of tiny shrimplets swimming around. From my limited experience it seems when shrimp have the tank to themselves their numbers grow 3 times faster than if they share the tank with other species. They breed so fast that even with other species around their numbers will still grow, albeit not as rapidly 🙂

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