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Is a air stone needed if I use the sponge filters


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Hi Teri. NO, you can run it as is. Some say they are more efficient with an airstone- IME I've seen no difference and I run them both ways. The one thing it absolutely does for most people is makes the bubbles "quieter" as a sponge filter without an airstone has larger bubbles- but I've found adjusting it so it's running at optimal creates almost no noise- at least nothing that bothers me. 

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@Teri I haven't noticed a difference in filter function with or without the airstone. I like to use an airstone because it disturbs the water surface less and I like the smaller bubbles... but my filter and fish don't really seem to care.

If you're using a multi-gang manifold/needle valve dealie to run multiple filters off of one pump, I've found it a lot easier to balance the airflow if there's an airstone providing some resistance on each hose-- without them the bubbles seem to only come out of one filter or the other.

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