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Apistogramma Panduro in high pH?


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My LFS has apistogramma panduro and I was considering getting a pair. However my pH is around 7.8-8. Is this too high for them? I was looking for a fun, colorful centerpiece fish for my 20long community tank with Celebese rainbows and kuhli loaches. I've also heard they may not go great with other bottom dwellers like kuhli's.

My other option was a german blue or bolivian ram. However I do not want to increase my water temp from 76 up to 82 (so that rules out the germans). Any other suggestions?


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They do better in soft water. You could use wood, leaves like Indian Almond and peat in your filter to soften the water but chasing parameters is never something I do, If they are captive bred may be easier, if wild it will be harder to get them to adjust.

Bolivians can handle harder water and no need for high temps in the 70s is fine. GBRs tend to like soft and hot water but depending on source they can do ok I just hear that the eggs may need a lower pH to have decent spawns. 

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@illconceivedartIf breeding is not the focus then you should keep them. They may even breed for you at that pH depending on who bred them. Some of the overseas breeders do keep them at high pH. The hatches will be smaller if they do. I would put a lot of indian almond leaf and other botanicals in that will slowly degrade, give them cover simulating their home habitat and gently lower the pH a bit but won't lead to big swings in pH. Peat is another option, Fluval makes a peat pellet that is aquarium safe. 

They are great fish and I totally understand why you'd want to keep them. Always liked panduros. Never got them to breed years ago when I kept them but they were really pretty and my buddy took them and in RODI water got them to breed. My tap water then was like yours. Had better luck with home bred trifasciata so I can see this going well if they are doing good at the LFS. Make sure you find out if they have been artificially lowering the pH with buffers or something. I've had experiences with that and when I got them home it was not pleasant. 

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So you don't get confused; they will go through breeding motion (laying/fertilizing eggs) in higher ph but the eggs won't hatch unless the ph is below 6.4. Also panduro are a bit more aggressive than some other apistogramma so don't expect to get away adding other fishes in the general sense; pencil fishes and some rasbora will make decent dithers that the panduro won't consider a threat but i would not add any other cichlid or cory to the tank unless it is fairly large - like 4ftx4ft or similar and well scaped. 


Mine seem to ignore the kuhli but one can never be sure about these things...

Edited by anewbie
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