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PLEASE HELP!! Using Ich X after using MetroPlex!!!


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Hi everyone! I got new fish last week and now have Ich in my tank. The pet store told me to use MetroPlex and i have been using that for the last week… today I woke up with my rare puffer and other fish covered in white spots. So obviously the MetroPlex is not working. Is it safe for me to now start dosing with Ich X with the MetroPlex still being in the tank???? The last time I dosed MetroPlex was yesterday. I am very worried about my puffer!!! He has been sitting at the bottom of the tank for a while. Thanks for all your guys time and hoping to hear back soon🙏

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MetroPlex is 70% metronidazole (which is also an active ingredient in Paracleanse, which is part of the med trio). It will probably be okay. However, having not tested that specific med with Ich-X, I would suggest a partial water change before dosing the Ich-X

Good luck! Ich can be pretty nasty when a fish has that much covering it.

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