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Had a surprise spawn of Cobalt Blue Zebra Chiclids and have previously only bread various live bearers.  I purchased a 2 and 1/2 gallon tank using a cycled sponge, water from another tank, and a plant from another tank and have not lost any. My main question is I have siphoning the bottom once a day and replacing the water with tank water from the tank they were born in.  Is this to much or should I do this every other day? I am not sure how sensitive baby Chiclids are to water frequency of tank maintenance.  Thanks. 



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Since you do the water changes all the time, and the water is from a seasoned tank, your water changes are very likely beneficial. Only if the tank you were getting the water from was nasty would there be a problem.

How do the babies look? Did they look happy, are they growing? That’s the real key. Post photos.

Congratulations on the spawn!


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10 hours ago, Trevor Gregori said:

Had a surprise spawn of Cobalt Blue Zebra Chiclids and have previously only bread various live bearers.  I purchased a 2 and 1/2 gallon tank using a cycled sponge, water from another tank, and a plant from another tank and have not lost any. My main question is I have siphoning the bottom once a day and replacing the water with tank water from the tank they were born in.  Is this to much or should I do this every other day? I am not sure how sensitive baby Chiclids are to water frequency of tank maintenance.  Thanks. 



I would not be too worried about the babies and the maintenance. When I work on the fry tanks, they always hide. But as soon as I finish, they're back to business as usual. The only problem I ever had is that they're really sensitive to chlorine. As long as you treat the water 1st and keep it close to the same temperature, you could probably do less water changes and use fresh water. In my 10 gallon grow outs I do 50% water change every other week. In my 5 gallon grow out I do 50% water change once a week. I don't have a 2 1/2, but half the volume = twice the frequency.  I would do 50% twice a week (or every 3 days).

Overall, most African cichlid fry from Lake Malawi are easy to raise. Some species are difficult to spawn, but once they do, not too bad. Just avoid feeding all high protein foods and you should have a healthy little school in no time. 



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