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Looking For Ideas


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Im rethinking my tank setup situation. I have 1 29-gallon, 2 10-gallons, and 2 5-gallon tanks.  Currently I own 6 glo tetras, 6 panda cories (2 long fin, 4 standard fin) and 3 guppies (1 male and 2 female)  

Originally I intended to do some active guppy breeding and was going to use most of the tanks as grow out tanks. For multiple reasons I'm changing my mind. Now I'm thinking of just colony breeding. I'm new (about 4 month in) to the hobby so I think I need to learn and enjoy before I get into separating tanks and such. 

The idea I'm kicking around now is to put the 6 glo tetras into a 10, keep the cories and guppies in the 29 and add a female or 2. Keep the 29 to cories and guppies with colony breeding. I do have about 3 places I can go with over flow fry. 

Another idea would be to keep all current fish in the 29 and stock a 10 fresh. This would mean less guppies but I think maybe enough room. Do you think there would be enough room for a smallerish guppy colony with this?  

What I'm looking for is ideas for stocking from here.  Part of me wants something interesting to watch. Maybe considering a crab. Maybe if i do a fresh 10 a betta might be nice to get something with personality. If I put the tetras in the 10, maybe a honey gourami in the 29?  I also recently got interested in hillstream loaches. Maybe one of those with the tetras in a 10?  Nothing seems 100% like THE IDEA. What would you do in this situation?

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if interested in breeding the guppy's, id probably put them and the cory's in the 29 for starters with the tetras elsewhere. after the first set or two of fry, you could put the tetras in the  29 with the others, as with a few sets of fry, it wont be long until you have a ton of them. then you can sort out fry into the smaller tanks.

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On 2/4/2022 at 11:59 AM, Cinnebuns said:

What would you do in this situation?

I would go into a fish store and fell in love with some totally unexpected random fish I have never thought about.*

*most likely a gorgeous betta. Or some colorful shrimps. Or a rabbit snail.  All are awesome, fun to watch, and will do just fine in 5 or 10g.

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