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Fertilizer Regiment

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Trying to come up with a fertilizer regiment after some of the plants really slowed growth. Some of the stem plants are browning at the base. Have one led bar come on at about 1pm on low then turn the other on high at 3pm and they run about 9 hours total. Co2 comes on at about 2pm and shuts off at 9pm, an hour before the lights go off. Tested nitrates-low, about 10ppm. Tested Phosphorus, almost 0. Ammonia and Nitrites 0. Wondering how much fertilizer to put in for a 15 gallon with this many plants. I dose with Easy Green, Easy Iron, Seachem Potassium and Phosphorus. Curious if anyone can direct me as to potential dosing quantities. Should I dose more than the 15 gallon amount with all the plants? Thanks for any help!!




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The tank looks great btw.   Pretty heavy planted.  Maybe dose 2 pumps every 4 days with the co2.  I know they can burn through the ferts fast on co2.  A guy here in wichita does a 75% water change through out the week because of his ferts. He runs co2.  Is that extreme?   Maybe but his plants are awestriking 

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On 1/30/2022 at 6:09 PM, Kittkat1981 said:

The tank looks great btw.   Pretty heavy planted.  Maybe dose 2 pumps every 4 days with the co2.  I know they can burn through the ferts fast on co2.  A guy here in wichita does a 75% water change through out the week because of his ferts. He runs co2.  Is that extreme?   Maybe but his plants are awestriking 

I do a 40% water change every two weeks. Maybe not enough? Ammonia and Nitrates are always fine

On 1/30/2022 at 6:54 PM, Patrick_G said:

It looks great. Are you already dosing the easy green at the high light level? 
You mentioned some of the stem plants browning at the base. That could be a nutrient deficiency or it could be that you need to do a little trimming. I cut off the tops and replant them. It’ll let more light get to the bases. 

I’m thinking nutrient deficiency, just unsure what. I think it’s either Phosphorus or Potassium. I usually dose in the mornings a few hours before the lights come on 

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FWIW there's only a few stem plants I've been able to grow well. So many of them have petered out and failed for me no matter what I tried. Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus and Hygrophila Polysperma (along with Corymbosa) do well for me, and so does pearl weed. still looking for other magic stem plants. Rooted plants all seem to fare much better in my water.

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