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Ich not responding to treatment


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I have 6 electric blue acara I bought a week ago.  They developed ich and I started treating with ich x, salt 1 TBS per 5 gallon, and raised temp to 84.

For three days I have been treating like this and the ich has worsened.  I have upped salt to 1 tbs per 3 gallon, added kanaplex, maracas oxy, paraguard, and I am increasing temp to 88.  I am considering a salt dip as well. 


The fish are flashing and hiding but still eating well.  The ich is crazy and they have spots everywhere.  I am throwing the kitchen sink at them but not seeing any improvement.  Help please!20220124_174140.jpg.02d8c7a891f329f4c997fddc665c8413.jpg


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It possible you have Epistylis he's how you tell the two apart  the most affective treatment for Epistylis is kanaplex in food and you can use  ick x to treat the water column the combined treatment cover's all bases 


Edited by Colu
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If it's ich ick x is the one of the most effective treatment you could use in combination with the aquarium salt as salt not as effective at treating ich that why you could be having persistent problems and your not seeing as much of an improvement

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You could try an ich medication with a different active ingredient such as API super ick cure in combination with kanaplex in food Also ich cause severe electrolyte loss so I would keep adding a small amount of salt as it adds essential electrolytes 

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They took medicated food well kanaplex and metroplex with focus and garlic guard.  I also switched to super ick today.

Should I lower my temp back to a normal level or keep it elevated?


Also would a salt dip be beneficial?

Edited by Judobadger
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