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Aqua junky

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Can some ease explain why the buce species are so hard to grow? I keep reading on how hard they are and love gow they look but im a bit intimidated from what ive seen. Anyone have any luck with them?  I use Remineralized RODI with co2  so Id think I have a good shot at keeping them?

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I think the only thing that has happened to my Buce and this has been rare is to get the rhizome rotting but out of the dozen or so I’ve had that’s like 2 of them and early in my hobby. They’re a bit of a goldilocks plant - light but not too much, flow but not too much , with the more intensely colored varieties like any of the purples the co2 and a good light will be the key to getting the colors you’ll see in the ads for them. Otos do a great job of cleaning them. 

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