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Brine shrimp question


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So my last few hatches had been sub par and seemed to take a while to hatch and didnt seem as golden... the very last one was a complet waste because i dont have a sieve?* and couldnt separate the 90%unhatched eggs.  i looked at the brine shrimp eggs under a 30x magnifying glass and could see most the eggs looked busted. Are the eggs really fragile????? I think maybe in my efforte to keep them fresh and get the air out i might have smushed them.    I was storing them in the mylar bag the come in inside ziplock inside extreme container.... just ordered another batch dont wanna mess this one up. Fish room is like 70-75f. 45%-55% humidity  

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On 1/13/2022 at 7:44 PM, BuzzDaddy21 said:

I got some BSE from Co-Op a while back, I keep in the freezer.

I have only used three times everything was fine.   

I keep mine in the refrigerator but I think others keep them in a freezer without issue. I have had random failed hatches where the rest of the can hatched fine before and after. I use the same recipe every time. I chalk those up to some measurement error on my part that I did not realize I made. Hope you have better luck with your next hatch. 

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