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Co-Op Brine Shrimp Eggs and low hatch/survival rate


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I have the Co-Op BBS eggs and the hatches are much better than my other eggs. However, I have a significant portion (50%?) that die. I use the Brine Shrimp Direct hatchery. If I check on the progress I will see some swimming in the middle, but more dead below the clusters of eggs floating on top. 

I use 25g salt per Liter, 72-78F temperature, no Prime or de-chlorinator. I've also tried aquarium water without any improvement. Reducing the eggs I use does not help either. 

I'll try the bubble/bottle method as I have the equipment, but it is a hassle. Worth seeing if that produces any better results.

Any ideas on what leads to such high mortality rate for hatching?



Edited by Doug_E
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I also use this hatchery with the Coop eggs.  I have found that using 3/4 tablespoon of marine salt works best for hatching and survival until feeding.  I've tried lower concentrations of salt and it has been like what you are experiencing.  Maybe that has something to do with it.  I have it at whatever room temp is, which now is below 70.  They still hatch but slower.

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On 12/23/2021 at 1:58 PM, Nuggets Beard said:

I also use this hatchery with the Coop eggs.  I have found that using 3/4 tablespoon of marine salt works best for hatching and survival until feeding.  I've tried lower concentrations of salt and it has been like what you are experiencing.  Maybe that has something to do with it.  I have it at whatever room temp is, which now is below 70.  They still hatch but slower.

Thanks, I have not adjusted salinity. I'll try that next. I'm using Kosher salt at about 1 1/3 tablespoons of salt per liter. That is a bit more than your ratio. I'll give that a try next time. 

It could also be my water: chloramine or other stuff. I'll also get a gallon of DI water and give that a shot. I'm a former chemist/engineer so solving problems like this are almost fun. Almost. 

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On 12/23/2021 at 4:02 PM, s1_ said:

Consider switching to an air driven hatchery with a light source on it 24/7.  I think your hatch rate will increase.

The ziss brine shrimp hatchery they sell works great. 

I have used those. A lot more hassle and equipment I’d prefer to avoid. Even if it results in higher yields, not worth it. 

ll try these eggs just to see how they compare, but I’m committed to the simple hatchery. 

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On 12/26/2021 at 7:35 AM, Barnacle_Gil said:

Try using a tiny pinch of Epsom salt .......... I get 100% hatch rate w/Co-op eggs using chlorinated tap water, air & 78-80 degrees & initial 8 hrs of light.

Thanks I’ll give that a try. I’m testing a hatch with the standard bottle/air method to compare hatch and mortality rate. 

I do keep the light on all the time. Would that matter?

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On 12/26/2021 at 9:32 AM, Barnacle_Gil said:

Yup, Epsom salt (pinch) raises PH & Chlorine softens shells to hatch.  Brine shrimp will survive for a couple days on their yolk sacks then need Spirulina to mature.  YouTube is loaded with info.  Good Luck!

My tap is 8.0 and very hard. I’ve looked at many of the YT videos and none address this issue. I’ll keep experimenting but seems like I’m doing everything right. 

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