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Flake vs pellets


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I would say yes in a way they are- by that I mean, some fish like to take their food off the top of the water- flake foods fit that well. Some like to feed in the middle, flake will eventually sink for them to eat if they grab it while it is in the middle, pellets can be good for middle feeders since they sink a little faster than flake and bigger fish may get fuller faster as it would be less effort for them as 1 pellet might equal 4 or 5 flakes (just guesstimating). Pellets are great for bottom feeders as pellets designed for them sink. Really it just depends in the end it's just- what will my fish eat?

If we're speaking of just flake vst pellet. Mine are mostly smaller fish, 2" or less. I've not had success with pellets- even micro pellets or floating pellets made for these type of fish. Mine prefer flake, and I usually crush it up pretty good before putting it in the tank. Especially for my CPDs, Endlers and Embers. My Rasboras won't eat giant flakes. My Black Neons don't mind. 

Really that's all it is. As far as shape goes. 

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I agree it’s just shape. I do notice more flake hits the ground than pellets. My guppies eat both that fall. My CPD will snag fallen pellets from decor but not not flake. I like flake for the tiny mouths on Pygmy corydora they sort of sift the crushed flake off the bottom and is seems easier for them than pellets 🤷‍♀️

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