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Quarantine tanks


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I have a 10 gallon where I am quarantining some gold white clouds at the moment.  I am curious how people set up their QT tanks and what is best practice.

In my 10g I am running a sponge filter and a mini HOB designed for 2-5G tanks. 

1. bare bottom?  Gravel?

2. plants?

i have a major overflow of Christmas moss in my QT.  Not sure if this causes any harm or if it should be relatively sterile.  Plants can be kind of dirty especially in a bare bottom tank. White clouds are relatively problem free but I bought some angels from local fish stores and they died off in consecutive days.  They said I needed to buy live brine to help their survival. I suspect they may not have been healthy to begin with.  

Any QT tank advice appreciated.

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I always go bare bottom and always use plants as a safety net in case my beneficial bacteria is disrupted with any needed meds and to make the stressed out new fish feel safe. I use fast growers and floaters that don’t make a mess if they are hurt by the meds. Hornwort if it’s unhappy makes a huge mess from experience. 

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I mostly quarantine in bare bottom and mostly use plastic plants but I’ve done live plants too, depending on species, circumstances, and timing.  If I need to medicate with something that might hurt the plants, they usually go in a bucket so I don’t transfer disease.  I can’t remember the last time I used meds in a QT other than dewormer for fish I suspected were wild caught.  Dewormers are pretty safe for plants, not necessarily for snails.

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My quarantine tank looks pretty much like a very rough version of my show tanks. Whether it's occupied or not, I still have to look at it. 😁 So I also use it as a holding place for extra plants or plants that are transitioning from emergent to submerged growing. I also have a hunk of mopani in there that STILL releases a lot of tannins despite having been in my tanks for YEARS. I do NOT like dark/black water in my tanks, but I tolerate it in there because I figure the tannins are helpful to new fish that have been stressed.

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