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I think my Convict is a Dempsey cross ???


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I've only been fish keeping for a year. 3+ months ago I picked up 2 Convict cichlids for my 55 gal tank (also have 1 Angel, 2 Gourami & wk ago added 6 high fin tetras) Here's my  question; one of my convicts (who I named Sparkles) started developing sparkles.  She was an inch long and black with faint stripes when I got her. Dick (the other one was a bit larger and looked like a normal juvenile. I took a pic Oct 14 when her sparkles were showing up and another tonight. I think she is either a cross with a Jack Dempsey or a full on one. She has passed up Dick by an inch already. He's pushing 4" and she's pushing 5". It was a PetsMart purchase, both are healthy and thriving but now I worry about the tank mates safety. I know Dempsey's can be very  aggressive. Insight from you (who have done this way longer than me) would be most appreciated! So far she hasn't hurt anyone.

Nov 23 2012.jpg

Oct 14 2021.jpg

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I think your right. It looks like a Jack Dempsey. I have keep them but with other large cichlids. You can try to keep him and see how it goes. Take him back and try to get them to let you get something else or try to find someone to give it to. You will have to make that decision. I would keep a close eye and see and give hiding spots for the high fin. Some things at the bottom and at the top.

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