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  1. I've only been fish keeping for a year. 3+ months ago I picked up 2 Convict cichlids for my 55 gal tank (also have 1 Angel, 2 Gourami & wk ago added 6 high fin tetras) Here's my question; one of my convicts (who I named Sparkles) started developing sparkles. She was an inch long and black with faint stripes when I got her. Dick (the other one was a bit larger and looked like a normal juvenile. I took a pic Oct 14 when her sparkles were showing up and another tonight. I think she is either a cross with a Jack Dempsey or a full on one. She has passed up Dick by an inch already. He's pushing 4" and she's pushing 5". It was a PetsMart purchase, both are healthy and thriving but now I worry about the tank mates safety. I know Dempsey's can be very aggressive. Insight from you (who have done this way longer than me) would be most appreciated! So far she hasn't hurt anyone.
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