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Are these mystery snails getting it on?


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Yep. It does indeed appear so. If they are attached by their parts. One way to see sex without doing anything TO the snails is when they are making their "cartoon faces" you can see their sex organs, they attach on the left sides as you can see. My male Mystery Snail Pegasus and female Mystery Snail Escape' (RIP) are demonstrating here for you. 



Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
to clarify
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This is an unexpected but generally pleasant surprise assuming my lfs wants babies (if they lay eggs that hatch). I even predicted my snails genders correctly by accident if this is the case.

I've read blue x gold = some jade babies hopefully. If that's the case I will probably keep at least one. I need to read up more

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I have removed all the clutches of eggs I've seen but I must have missed an egg or two because I saw someone that looked suspicously like a baby mystery snail just this morning. My snail is gold and the Maybe Mystery Baby was white. Wondering how soon their color shows up if they are going to be a color?

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