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Possible Ich - clown pleco - NitrAte effects


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Still watching things crumble in my 20G tall after that nitrAte spike... I don't see the pleco out in the light often, which was my first alarm for him. But his skin looks like he may have ich? or is it velvet? Any help is appreciated, this has been worse than a rollercoaster. The baby guppy photo bomb helps a little, even he's worried about the pleco.

  • pH - 8.0
  • Nitrates less than 5
  • Hardness 12
  • Nitrite 0
  • Ammonia 0
  • KH/Buffer 12
  • Water Temperature 77pleco.JPG.ca7f92eff145e9e071c5a906e5eaba66.JPG


Edited by Minanora
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Oh my, if all those little white dots are not part of his pattern that's very severe Ich it appears. I had an Ich outbreak in one of my tanks when the pump took a dump without me knowing. So it would not be out of the ordinary for it to happen after a nitrate spike or any other bad water parameter spike. If it looks like the spots on this Oto pic, then treat immediately!

The good news if there is any, is to ME Ich isn't hard to treat but sometimes you have losses. 


Edited by xXInkedPhoenixX
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On 11/1/2021 at 7:50 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Oh my, if all those little white dots are not part of his pattern that's very severe Ich it appears. I had an Ich outbreak in one of my tanks when the pump took a dump without me knowing. So it would not be out of the ordinary for it to happen after a nitrate spike or any other bad water parameter spike. If it looks like the spots on this Oto pic, then treat immediately!

The good news if there is any, is to ME Ich isn't hard to treat but sometimes you have losses. 


That's the weird thing; if it is ich, it's not like any I've ever seen. Those white spots appear to be at the tips of his hairs. However, I've never had a scale-less fish get ich before, and this is my first clown pleco that I've ever had, so I'm not sure if it's a usual coloration, or he's growing, or what. I normally only ever see him under the moonlight or dusk/dawn lighting that my Finnix CRV light cycles through. When I got him from the LFS he was super super pale from the stress of being removed from the driftwood he was hiding on. That was 3 months ago though. I definitely noted that colored up to his darker colors a few days later, but like I said, I've never really had the pleasure to see him in full spectrum lighting until today. I know he's eating well, he got his Rapashy treat last night and was all about it - he's a funny guy, he scoots his food under the Crypt-Tropica I have and hide out under there when he eats.

It's definitely not like what that adorable little oto is showing there.

I have pemafix and melafix in the tank right now because of the guppy that has the fuzzy wad behind her gil. Sheesus this nightmare needs to end. Think it would be okay to just dose everyone in there with ich-x or should I move him and his chunk-o-wood into quarantine?

I feel like I'm going to need 3 more quarantine tanks for the fallout of that darn nitrate spike. I'm losing my mind watching my babies be sick like this. 



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Yea those spots seem rather uniform to be Ich when I blow up the pic so I'mnot sure it's that at all unless you spot it on others. The other pics sadly seem to have a fungus? I've never had success with Mela or Pimafix. I'd look into a med that will get rid of that. Check out this video, does that more closely resemble what your fish are going thru?


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On 11/1/2021 at 9:38 PM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

Yea those spots seem rather uniform to be Ich when I blow up the pic so I'mnot sure it's that at all unless you spot it on others. The other pics sadly seem to have a fungus? I've never had success with Mela or Pimafix. I'd look into a med that will get rid of that. Check out this video, does that more closely resemble what your fish are going thru?

I'll keep a close eye on the pleco. The fungus type thing that's going on with Plug the guppy, it is a very compact haze type fuzz. Not loose and flowy. But it probably is fungal. It appeared overnight. She was on the mend up until it's appearance this morning. It reminds me of the texture of peach fuzz almost.

She's eating but is lethargic and not as social. If you think myacin will kick it, should I treat everyone for good measure? Or just pull Plug out and hospital tank her? Toddler named her Plug... I tried to rename her with no success.

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@colu Thank you. I have 2 pregnant guppies (due in about 10 days) in there and maybe 10, 3 week old babies in this tank. Do you think it's okay to treat the whole tank? Or should I move the 2 with obvious issues?


Assuming nobody else is showing fungal growth today that is. It's only 5:50am here so I haven't gone in my son's room yet. I dare not wake him this early.


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I'm cleaning my hospital tank as I type this. Longer cleaning than usual, bleach solution.


Sidetrack: I had new plants quarantining in it. There were interesting hitchhikers in this set. Tiny white/clear swimming things, bugs so to speak, and thin white worms that ranged in length, longest one being about .5 inches. Check these guys out! Never seen them in my tanks. I took video, too.



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On 11/2/2021 at 7:50 AM, Minanora said:

@colu Thank you. I have 2 pregnant guppies (due in about 10 days) in there and maybe 10, 3 week old babies in this tank. Do you think it's okay to treat the whole tank? Or should I move the 2 with obvious issues?


Assuming nobody else is showing fungal growth today that is. It's only 5:50am here so I haven't gone in my son's room yet. I dare not wake him this early.


i would treat the tank they are in. you know it is on fish in that tank, and though you cant see it on others, they have likely been exposed, and may start showing symptoms tomorrow. 

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Good news about Plug the Guppy! After day 1 of Ich-X, the fungus is completely gone. She's still lethargic, not eating well, hanging out up at the surface, but no fungus is still progress.

Haven't seen the Pleco yet. Corydoras were out playing in the bubbles and making laps up and down the wall (not up to the surface for air) last night so they seem more energetic than they had been since the spike.

The most pregnant guppy, Misty, appears to either be stressed now, or she's about to have her babies... we're at exactly 28 days today so I'm hoping it's the latter.

Macaroni, the guppy girl with the swim bladder issue is still pointed to the sky... she's trying to eat, she refuses to eat from the planting tongs, no matter how delicious the food offered is. Her gills are extremely red still. She's putting up a fight, but I'm not sure what steps to take after the Ich-X session.

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Well, the fungus on Plug is back. Still in the course of treatment of Ich-X. Still seeing behavioral issues with Plug, Pepper, Macaroni and Misty. Misty is giving birth today. There's 3 living fry in her breeder box, two dead. So I was right on with guessing that she was about to pop. However she's stopped birthing as of the last few hours. I've been keeping the room dark and quiet. She's eating again at least.

I'm seeing some reddened gills on Macaroni, the girl that has the swim bladder issue, and she's still nose to the sky. Poor thing. Clamped fins on Pepper, the swordtail girl, and Plug with her weird fungus tuft. Pleco is looking about the same, but he's eating well and has resumed his usual patterns of activity.

I've been doing daily water changes of 33% as directed in the treatment directions on the Ich-X. I'll be continuing the treatment for the next 3 days since I started on Tuesday.

Thoughts on starting treatments of para-cleanse and Maracyn as well?


Also noting that I've been keeping an eye on Ammonia, Nitrites and Nitrates every day, multiple times a day with the API kit. No elevations of any. Still 0's and <5ppm Nitrates at this point.

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Oh my, what a cluster of problems all kind of different. I might at this point follow the Co-op's med trio treatment steps at this point to cover my bases if I were in your shoes. What a tough spot you're in! 

The treatment for med trio says for weak fish space out treatment. Ich-x was 2nd on that list so I guess you'd do the Maracyn (which is first on the list) for a week then ParaCleanse. Maybe @Colu will pipe in and verify my guess. 

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Thank you both. This has been exhausting. I really hope everyone pulls through. Before I added those root tabs this aquarium was almost running itself. Just my swords were looking hungry.

It's hard not to beat myself up. It's not fun to dread the morning check up and feeding. I feel like I'm going to walk in and find that someone gave up over the night.

The tiny babies make me feel a little better. And the Shiva photo bomb. She's the only girl that's not sick or having any other issues other than being a week away from having babies herself.




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