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Help with my Angelfish fry


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Hello guys, 
I hope all is well, 
I am a new member to this family, and very excited to be here. 
I am new to Angelfish breeding. In fact, I have a 4 weeks fry batch made it so far and it is my first one. I have a couple of failures with eggs and fry.
About 15 days ago, I begun experiencing  weird fry swimming. Sometimes the swim upside down and they spin fast on an axis. I had checked and researched this situation online, but unfortunately did not have an answer for this. All the fry eat very well and I have Ben feeding them live and frozen BBS, live Banana and Micro worms. Feeding 3 times a day. I keep them in 5 Gallon tank and doing 10% water change everyday until 10 days ago I moved to 30%. I only use RO water. Water temperature is 80 F, Ammonia and Nitrite are 0. I have not turned the light off since they were eggs. Also, I had Java Moss and I removed it due to developing Detritus worms just  a week ago after putting it in the tank and that was about 10 days ago. Since then, worms have been showing up in tank, but as the fry are growing, they started to snack on them. The tank has a HOB covered water intake with fry proven filter with very low water flow, in addition to a sponge filter. 
please help me out with this issue as I really don’t want to lose my fry. My kids love them and very happy to have them.
BTW, I am as not able to attach a video, but attached a picture. 
Thank you very much,

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You are very welcome! I use Prime or Safe (Concentrated powder form of Prime) as a water conditioner. The directions on the container provide dosing suggestions for removal of ammonia etc. I’m sure other water conditioners are similar but you may have to google them or contact the manufacturer for recommended dosing on ammonia.

Don't quote me on this but I THINK you can safely dose Prime @ 5X the recommended dosing. If dosing directly into the aquarium watch your oxygen levels, you may need to run an additional air stone for a bit to keep the O2 levels up while the chemicals work their magic.

When testing for ammonia after adding the water conditioner you may get a false positive for ammonia depending on the test kit that you use. 

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